Chapter 10 🍛

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Jared walked home, his face looking blankly at the ground while his mind wondered far away from reality. Jared couldn't believe it!

How could Alex just forget everything the moment Zach entered the room? It was as though Zach had placed some sort of spell on her, whenever he was there, she only had her eyes on him.

Jared understood the fascination to some extent. Zach had always been a charmer. He was good with the ladies and he was known for being able to melt the heart of any girl he chose.

But the fact that he could even dare to make a bet over Alex, which involved raping her if she didn't fall in love with him made all of those reasons fly out of his mind. In fact, it filled him up with hatred so deep for Zach that it consumed him, from the tips of his toenails to the roots of his hair.

Lost in his thoughts, Jared accidentally stumbled over a stone, almost tripping over his feet. Glaring rudely at the tiny rock, he kicked it out of the pavement, watching as it bounced once before settling in the middle of the tar road.

His mind was reeling. What could he do that would make Alex hate Zach? She wasn't that close to him yet but Jared didn't doubt that Zach would do everything in his power to make Alex go crazy over him by the end of the month. Jared needed to do something before that. But, what could he do?

He twisted his key into the lock on the front door of his house, turning the knob and entering the house. He placed his bag on the ground and removed his sneakers, before locking the door from the inside.

Jared's house wasn't exactly very big. It was modest and comfortable enough for four people. With three bedrooms and two toilets, it was more than enough for Jared's family to live in, especially with his dad's deteriorating income.

Jared's dad, Alvin, had a stroke a few years ago and his well-paid job went away from his life along with his good health the moment he tried to start repay the loan who took for his operation. Due to bad luck, at that time of recession, Alvin was hardly able to get a permanent job that paid him enough. 

Jared could still remember the day he, and his younger sister, decided to step in and help out their father with funding the household income. Jared worked at the cinema, as the guy behind the counter who sold the food and drinks.

His sister, by some grace of good luck, managed to snag the job of selling tickets at the very same cinema, making it much more easier for both the siblings to coordinate their work timings and keep an eye on each other.

Jared entered the measly kitchen that could hardly fit three people in without making them squeeze and poured himself a glass of water. He was exhausted. His job was mentally taxing and the long walks back home made him physically tired as well.

Not to mention, the matter about Alex was taking up more of his time than ever. Jared could not take it that Zach was going to do such a thing to Alex, someone who he felt he really liked. He was trying his best to make his innocent Alex find out the truth about Zach, who he knew was going to deceive her badly.

It was hard, though. Trying to score good grades to get the college scholarships and balancing a job was never easy in the first place, and now, the problems of his crush was making his life go in a bigger disarray. But he had to do something about it.

An idea came to him and Jared smirked as he gently placed his glass of water on the counter. Slipping his hand into the side pocket of his jeans, he pulled out his hand phone.

The phone lit up in his hands as he pushed a button and Jared wasted no time in going to his contacts and scrolling through them until he found the one he wanted to message.

With a deep breath, Jared typed in a short message and hit the 'send' button. He just hoped it would work as he stared at the phone.

From: Me
To: Alex


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