Chapter 1 🍩

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The sting of betrayal remained in my chest as I trudged up the staircase to the first class of my day. Apparently, heartbreak was not so severe an illness that allowed skipping school. Which meant I was stuck with going to art on the first hour of my first day in school.

Now, don't get me wrong. Art is the most fun subject in my entire schedule -after drama class, I mean- but when it was time for graded assignments, it was the worst thing ever.

I was bad at art. No, actually I was terrible at art. I could put a new-born baby to shame when it came to painting. My sketching was good enough to pull up my grades to a pass but this year we were mostly going to focus on painting which basically meant my downfall.

I walked into class and did not even bother greeting the teacher. It was an ill-mannered move, something I never did before, but I was too depressed to even think of something as simple as greeting. Luckily, Ms. Lia was an understanding teacher who must have sensed my terrible mood when I entered for she did not pick on me for not showing respect like how was customary in our school.

The school I studied in was a unique school on its own. It did not focus on academics as much as it concentrated on our attitude. The teachers did not mind failure as long as the students had good behaviour and were fair to all. It was something that I found amazing because I was not penalised for my grades but for my manners.

But all of that did not matter. I was too caught up about the betrayal I faced from the two people that I trusted the most in the world to even care about attitude.

Even as I was thinking about it, I had to turn around from the others to wipe away the tears that escaped my eyes. This was not something I could get over in a day. I was watching them, from the corner of my eye, my heart sinking with every laugh they shared and every time they touched.

It was pathetic that I was sitting at my table, grieving for my loss while they did not even realise that I was present in school.

I felt ashamed. Why was I crying over two people who did not even care about me? It was of no use and frankly, I couldn't care if they patched up with me again because in my eyes, they got labeled as betrayers, and to me, betrayers can never be friends.

The attendance got called out and I raised my hands to indicate I was present. It was hard to do so with a straight face because I could feel their shocked gazes on me. It was uncomfortable but I made my best effort in not fidgeting under their stares. I could not show them that it affected me. It was the least I could do to preserve my last shred of dignity.

I spent the whole class flicking paint all over my paper. The end result was some gory looking monster that looked like it was devouring a child. A completely different topic than my original one, which was to paint a happy memory.

I guess my art depended on my mood. Back when I was still a cheerful, ignorant girl, all my drawings were about happiness involving rainbows and sunny days.

Now, it seemed to revolve around monstrous creatures and gloomy things. It did not bother me, though. All I was thinking was how quickly I could get out of the room before them. As much as I wanted to face them, I did not have the courage. The pain of betrayal was still in me and it will take at least a few days to get used to it.

By the end of the period, my table was filled with paint and I tried my best to clean it up quickly because I wanted to leave the class as fast as possible. The bell rang and I stopped scrubbing the paint. I arranged everything back to where it belonged, the pallette in the box and the brushes in their containers, before taking my things and sprinting out of the class, not forgetting to mumble a quick "Thank you.", to the teacher.

I heard voices shout out behind me.

"Wait!" They said but I did not stop. I was not ready to face them, at least not today. Maybe some other day, but definitely not today. They could not chase me for long; I was a state champion runner and they were not as good at it as I was.

At least that's what I thought.

Turns out, they were very good runners, maybe even better than me. They must have been training while I was recovering in the hospital, or maybe I was still weak from the operation because it was not even a minute later that they caught up wait me.

"Alex, stop!" Aria gritted out as she panted heavily and grabbed on to one of my hands, almost dragging me to a stop. I pushed her and clawed at her arm, trying to pull my hand away from her tight grip. It was unsuccessful, though, because my boyfriend managed to grab on to my other hand.

I struggled and twisted and turned myself around their grip but they hooked their foot around mine, locking it into a fixed position and forcing onto the ground.

Aria looked at her bleeding arms and glared at me. I frowned. The best friend I knew would have never glared at me, regardless of what I did to her. I left out a heavy breath and glanced up at the ceiling of the school corridor.

"What do you want?" I bit out. I did not want to talk to them but since I was already stuck here, with no way to escape as I knew they could both overpower me, I figured it was the best time for a conversation.

I was surprised at how calm I was with them. The old me would have burst out crying and apologising even though it was not my fault. Now, however, I knew that my submissive nature was what made everyone decide to betray me because they were sure that I will come back begging for forgiveness. Not anymore. I was no longer that girl and I wasn't planning to be anymore.

"You are wasting my time, you know. I have classes and you are keeping me here for your nonsensical reasons. If you have nothing to say, then let me go."

I was annoyed. They were just staring at me for the past few minutes and the worst part was that I could not even guess what they were thinking. I had hoped for a confrontation but they were making me feel very uncomfortable and I felt like running away from them, far away where I could completely escape their staring.

"Okay, that's it!" I said, frustrated. Why were they mute all of a sudden? As far as I knew them, they were the most talkative people in the school. But then again, they were no longer the people I knew. "I am leaving. You both are wasting my time."

I made a move to get up but Adrian, my ex-boyfriend grabbed my hand. "Wait. We just wanted to say-." He was cut off by Aria.

"We wanted to say that you are a psycho!" She shouted. I froze. What was she saying? Was she hallucinating? Then, as my mind registered her smirking face, tears came to my eyes.

How dare she say that? Didn't she remember how I refused to talk about it? Why did she have to remind me about it now? Why?

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