Chapter 13

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Alex nodded her head absently as Zach continued to rant about his day. She fought the urge to roll her eyes, gritting her teeth.

Honestly, now that she knew he was not the guy who had been messaging her this entire time, it was too hard for her to even want to give him an ounce of her time.

He was a great friend, yes, but he was not the guy she fell for and she wanted to find her real Prince Charming.

Who she wanted, was not Zach. It was the person who stayed up till early mornings just to test her chatter about school. The one who she could talk absolute rubbish to, and he would still make her laugh. The guy who could sense when she was upset just by the way she talked, who never failed to bring a smile to her face.

She wanted to find him, and curiosity was eating her up internally. Her school had hundreds of people; how could she search for someone whose face was even unfamiliar among that entire crowd?

Suddenly, a memory struck her. How had this mystery man introduced himself to her? Scrolling through the previous messages, Alex grinned.

Asher! That was the name he called himself. It was his middle name, he had said.

Biting her lip, she looked up at Zach, interrupting his rant.

"Hey, Zach, do you know anyone in our school who has the middle name 'Asher'?" she asked him nervously.

Zach rolled his eyes at her. "I can't believe my girlfriend does not even know my middle name!" he exclaimed, making Alex lightly punch him on his right shoulder.

"Not you, silly! I mean, anyone else with the name 'Asher'," she said, shaking her head at him playfully.

Zach scrunched up his eyebrows. "I'm not sure, " he paused, looking at her crestfallen face.

"But, for you, my little curious cat, I'll find out, " he said, tapping her nose and watching her skin redden as she looked shyly up at him.

"Thanks, " Alex said, the joy evident in her voice. Zach knew everyone and she could definitely meet him once Zach told her what his real name really is.

She couldn't wait for tomorrow!

Alex didn't know how she managed to complete all her homework and have dinner with her family without jumping up and down.

She was giddy with excitement, and she knew she was acting very much like a lovestruck fool for a guy she didn't even know the face of. Yet, she couldn't help it; meeting the guy she had been falling for in the past month, it was going to be amazing.

When Alex reached school the next day, she pounced on Zach, eager to know his name. Or even anything about him as long as she could meet him.

Zach held up his hand, laughing as he pulled her sharp nails away from her shirt.

"Easy, tiger, you must be really curious about this guy, huh?"

Alex nodded. "Now, tell me, did you find out anything?" she asked, a little too eagerly.

"Of course, I did. His name is Jared or something. Same year as us. More of a loner, honestly. Why did you want to know though?" he asked curiously but Alex was too much in shock to answer.

Jared? Like, the guy who sat beside her in first period every day?

Alex staggered back, shaking her head. How was that possible? He hardly talked to her in class.

Another question rang in her head, this one making her more confused than ever. Out of everyone to talk to, why did he go after poor Alex who got cancer and tried to commit suicide?

Why her?

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