Chapter 7 🍨

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Going back to school after a week of staying away from it is hard. Going back to school after a week of staying away from it and knowing you might be taunted about bring suicidal is harder. Going back to school and possibly being taunted about being suicidal while trying to deny your ever growing crush on one of the most popular boys in school is even harder.

At least, that's what Alex thought when she woke up the next day and tried getting ready for her version of hell– school. Other than the slight dizziness that almost made her slip on the ground (it was a miracle that the bed post was there), Alex prepared herself for school with no major hassles.

As she slung her bag over her shoulders, Alex walked out of the room towards the kitchen. Even though it was hard to believe, Alex's house was so huge, it took her almost a minute to walk to the kitchen.

The moment she stepped into the kitchen, her nose was graced with the wondrous smell of pancakes that were being flipped over the stove.

"Hey, apple pie. Good morning," her mother said, turning around to face Alex.

"Morning, mum," Alex said, plopping herself on the counter.

"Alex..." her mom started, making Alex frown and get off the counter.

"I know, mum. No sitting on the counter unless you think you are going to die," Alex said grumpily, repeating the crazy rule that her mom had made.

"I am glad you remember, little girl," Alex frowned at the nickname. Before she could say anything, her mom placed a plate stacked with delicious pancakes.

"Mum, I can't eat all of these," she said, stating widely at the plate.

"No problem, sweetheart. Eat how much you can," her mother said. Although she had a small smile on her face when she said that, Alex could sense the disappointment in her mother.

Before the surgery (and the illness, in general), Alex was quite different from what she was now. She remembered her mother telling her on the hospital bed how she used to stuff herself like crazy and she didn't mind being late to school if it meant eating more. How she used to run around the house without breaking a sweat and find hidden doors in the house which no one knew the existence of. How she trusted everybody and never lied to anyone.

Alex shook her head slightly. It was no use thinking about the past. The Alex she used to be was not the Alex she was now. It was futile that she tried to become the Alex of the past once more. She had to become more comfortable in her new skin instead.

Alex dug into her plate and by the time she felt full, the plate was filled to about half of what it used to be. It might have not been as much as what Alex might have ate in the past, but it was much better than what her appetite was in the past few days.

Alex set her cutlery on the plate. "I am done," she said, getting up before giving her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, mom," she said, waving as she left the room.

"Bye, Alex," she heard, as she walked out of the room.

It was time to go to hell now, she thought as she asked the driver to bring her to school.

The moment Alex stepped out of the car, the whispers began. Couldn't they give her a break? She didn't need their constant pointing and gossiping to ruin her day anymore. It was already ruined when she woke up in the morning, knowing that she had to go to school.

As she waved goodbye to the driver and walked towards the front door, a leg shot out to trip her. Stumbling, Alex almost fell if it were not for someone grabbing hold of her arm.

"Are you alright?" the guy asked politely.

Alex smiled gratefully. "I am fine. Thank you," she said.

"No problem. Just take care of yourself, kay?" he said, before walking away.

Alex nodded, smiling at the kind stranger as he walked away. Then, she turned towards the front gate, groaning loudly. She had not seen who had tripped her but she knew that incidents like that would continue throughout the day.

School had not even started and she wanted to go home. Alex rolled her eyes. What an amazing day she was having!

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