Chapter 3 🌞 (Stalker's PoV)

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A loud scream sounded from above and the boy hardly had time to look up before a huge weight crashed into him. All the air left his body and he could feel one of his ribs crack into half. His chest hurt and he could hardly find the energy to move the insane human lying on top of him so that he could get some breathing space and nurse his aching rib.

The boy shoved the girl away from on top of him and painfully got up before leaning on the tree. He cursed his luck. It seemed to be the worst, especially today. Of all places, the best place for someone to falling out of the sky to land on was him. It was just great. Did the girl think he was a trampoline?

The boy glared at the girl through his long brown fringe and his eyes widened when he recognised her. She was Alex Drean, if he was not wrong, president of student council and national winner of track. Well, ex-student council president.

Her story was one that every one knew about. It was tragic and not something one could forget easily. She was a straight A's student and was the role model of every student in the school, regardless of older or younger. She won the gold medal in track, representing the school, for two years in a row as well as that for art.

Known as one of the most beautiful student in the school, she was sought after by lots of boys. She was rumoured to have a troubled, probably dysfunctional, family but it did not affect her good reputation since there was no proof about it.

Then, tragedy struck. She got diagnosed with brain cancer, and slowly, she lost everything that was once considered her greatest achievements. Her grades dropped, her racing speed slowed down, her skin started to sink and her beauty seemed to be lost.

One by one, people started to lose interest in her and things got worse to the point that she couldn't cope with going to school and being badmouthed while balancing her increasing amount of treatment as her condition seemed to worsen.

It was a few days later that she left school. Everyone was distraught since they realised that it could be their fault she didn't want to come anymore. Despite her outer beauty decreasing and being the reason for so much mental bullying, people still had the respect for her in their hearts and they knew that they had destroyed her by being so against her.

The boy could remember his friends looking so guilty for aiding in spreading rumors about Alex and how badly they wanted to apologise once she left. He did not know what happened afterwards but the only details that he was enlightened to was that she went through some bad times and then, by the help of some kind of miracle, she recovered.

It was hard to believe it and everyone had their own speculations regarding it but the news had been confirmed once she stepped into school again today. Most of the students were shocked and hardly anyone was talking to her because they were very apologetic and didn't seem to know how to approach the topic. The boy knew that fact very well because he had been hearing that very line about a hundred times from multiple people throughout the day.

However, rumors about her had been spread again today, something about Alex getting into a fight with her best friends in the the school corridor. Lots of people were, once again, beginning to think that she was mentally unstable after the treatment that she had gone through. After all, from the many life-changing things that occurred to her, it was not uncommon that her character would change completely from the peaceful, kind girl to a rough and violent person.

Of course, he knew that was not the case, since Alex seemed to be a very friendly person, just as how she was before. She still smiled at his friends when she had walked past them in the morning and he had been shocked to see how kind she was being to people who had been her worst enemies before.

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