Chapter 2 🍫

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As soon as the sadness evaporated from hearing her words, fury set in. How dare she call me a psycho? She had no right to. I did. She stole my boyfriend, she betrayed my trust and she left me during my weakest times instead of being an understanding, caring friend.

Sure, she was not completely at fault, but that did not give her the right to call me names when she was still partially guilty. In fact, she was damn lucky that I did not make a scene when I found out about their betrayal to my friendship and my trusting, naive heart.

I was furious. If I was in a cartoon, I was sure that everyone could have seen steam coming out of my ears. Here, I was, detained and being insulted by two backstabber when there was no fault of mine but that of being the victim.

"A psycho? Are you seriously calling me that? How dare you? You should be calling yourself that. Weren't you the one who wanted to burn Adrian's home down? And now, you are all lovey-dovey with him. Doesn't that make you a psycho?" I spat out. Adrian was shocked, as was Aria. I had never spoken to anyone in such a manner before. With so much hatred and anger.

I was surprised too, but I knew that all the frustration in me was talking. I was frustrated, with life, with them, with everything. Everything bad that had to happen to someone happened to me. Okay, fine. It was a bit of an over exaggeration, I admit, but that did not change the fact that I had gone through a lot more than the average teenager.

It was just so unfair. Why was it always me? It was like I had the worst luck. The only good thing that I thought had happened to me was having such a great best friend and boyfriend, and even that backfired.

It was not worth it anymore. What was the use of living when life did not feel like it was worth living? It just did not make sense and as I thought more about it, I felt my mind being made up.

I looked up from the ground and my eyes widened to see the crowd that had formed around the three of us. It was downright embarrassing to be part of an argument that was considered a daily occurrence in the school and I couldn't take their stares on me.

I remembered the times when Aria, Adrian and I used to mock the people involved in the daily fights that broke out in school corridors. We always used to assume that these people fought to show their superficial power. Never had we imagined that we would be part of the very group of people we detested.

"I'm done here." I announced to the both of them before lifting myself off the ground and dusting my faded, brown skirt. I looked back at Adrian and Aria, who were still staring at the spot I was once lying on, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Why were they frozen in such a way? Was everything right? I felt my previous compassionate self making an appearance but I suppressed it back into the far corner of my mind. I did not need to care why they were going through whatever. They were not people I needed concern myself with anymore.

I walked away from there and for the first time in my life, the crowd parted to make way for me. I didn't know what exactly had I done to make me look so intimidating that the crowd had to part to accommodate me, but it wasn't unappreciated.

I was already extremely annoyed and it was quite relieving that I did not have to fight through the crowd to make my way to the peace of the other floors.

As soon as I was out of sight of the crowd, I broke out into a run. The gazes of the spectators of the fight was extremely uncomfortable and I was itching to shout at all of them to look somewhere else.

It was the second time today that I was running away from people. It wasn't an achievement to be proud of but I comforted myself by the knowledge that I would longer have to run away from anyone anymore. It was a sweet relief and I was longing for the freedom I would get in a couple of minutes.

I raced up the flight of stairs until I reached the fourth floor. The fourth floor wasn't really a floor, it was more of a rooftop. It was forbidden to all students but only members of the student council, such as me, and teachers and principal had the key to the gate that locked out the beauty of the rooftop from the rest of the school.

No one was allowed to use the rooftop for anything other than school events. However, my selfish needs were more greater than the school rules which I would no longer need to abide anymore.

As I unlocked the gate and walked on the roof, I thought of every thing that was happening to me. The scoldings, the threatening, the illness, the betrayal, everything was just coming one after another and I couldn't take it anymore.

A part of me, the logical part, was trying to convince me that this was not right. There was no reason for me to give up my life for people who didn't care.

But my heart could not take it anymore. It had gone through too much and all the weight it had taken was forcing it to burst. Add to it, that its only true companions decided to turn their backs on it. It was just too much.

I let the keys in my hands fall to the ground as the sun shone brightly on my face. I removed my shoes on the side of the gate and took heavy steps on the burning floor. There was no other choice, I had to this. It will finally give me the freedom from everything that I was going through. It had to.

I walked over to the ledge and placed my hands on it. It was terrifying to do this but a lot of other people had done it and they were now in a better place. I wanted to be there to. I placed one leg on the ledge that seemed to burn my skin and turn them a blistering hot before swinging my whole body until I stood on it.

I ignored the pain shooting up from my feet and instead concentrated on how scary it was, standing four storeys high with nothing to grab onto if I fell. However, that was the aim of it. To let go of everything and let myself fall. It was for my good, I knew, and I couldn't let the fear paralyse me. I had to do this. It was for good, I repeated to myself again and again.

For what I was sure was my very last time, I looked up at the bright sun and took a heavy breath. I looked down and for a moment, I chickened out.

I couldn't do this. I could not waste my life over this. I just can't. How could I give up my precious life for the sake of two people who did not care about me?

It was just not worth. No, I couldn't do it. Suicide is never the answer and it won't be for me too. I slowly turned around and was about to jump back onto the roof. This was a stupid decision. I shouldn't have even started with it.

I was chiding myself as I tried to jump down the ledge when my leg slipped on something and I fell backwards, my arms flailing and a piercing scream escaped my lips.

No, please no! I don't want to die!

And she falls... I just love the power that authors have on the life of their characters.

I didn't actually plan for her to slip at first but the idea just came to me and I was like, why not?

Plus, this will give it a more interesting turn and I am so excited for the next chapter.

Finally, I am going to introduce her stalker! Yay, I am just soooo excited for it!! And I hope you are too..

Peace out

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