Prologue 🍰

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"Do you love him?"


"Do you think that he is suitable to be your boyfriend?"


"Is he your boyfriend?"


"And you didn't even tell me about it?"


"Not accepted. Did you know him from before?"




"That is the second thing you hid from me."


"Not accepted. Again."

"I really am."

"Whatever. Do you think he is compatible with you?"




"Are you sure you really love him?"


"Do you think you would want to marry him in the future?"




"Do you think he will ever cheat on you?"

"Ye - No."

"You hesitated."

"I was too used to saying yes."

"You shouldn't be. Especially to him."

"What do you have against him?"

"Nothing much. Except that he might steal my best friend from me."

"He won't."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes? I think so."

"See, you are not sure. What would you do if he cheats on you?"

"Dump him? What else can I do?"

"Seriously? That's it?"

"Yes. I don't know what else I should do. And why are you asking so many questions?" I said, shrugging my shoulders and turning away from my best friend, Aria.

"Don't know what else to do? Are you serious?" Aria shrieked before walking to me and linking our arms together. "I'll tell you what, sweetheart, when that idiot decided that cheating on you is the best thing in the world, you and I will give him hell."

"What? How?" I was confused. Would she torture him? I'd rather her not. He is too gorgeous, why would anyone want to put him in misery? Plus, I loved him, so torturing him was definitely out of the question if he ever did cheat on me (which he never will, I'm sure).

"Well, we will sneak into his house in the middle of the night and pour gasoline all over before lighting a match and watching the whole house burn into flames." She said with a sickly sweet smile.


"I was kidding. Chill. I'll tell you what we would do. We will throw eggs at his house. Then, when it is about semi-dried, we will toilet paper the entire house. So the eggs would act like glue and he will have the worst time in his life trying to remove it all."

"Oh my goodness. You seriously are a vengeful person."

"That I am." She replied and we walked away, laughing and smiling.


That was three years ago.

Back then, I knew, at least, that if anything happened to me, my best friend would kill the man I loved. But it was hard to say that now.

Looking at them, as they displayed to the entire world how much they loved each other in front of my locker, was more painful than anything.

It was worse than fracturing my toe in grade three. It was worse than being trapped in the lift for an hour all alone. It was worse than finding out that I was almost going to die from cancer.

It was worse than a lot of things. My best friend and my boyfriend. The two people I trusted most. My most favourite people in the world. The only people who I had dedicated my sole loyalty to.

They were the people who betrayed me. It was hard to believe but it was true. I felt like it was some kind of cliché story. The best friend and boyfriend cheat on the main girl. Totally humiliating and painful.

I never thought it would happen to me. To some extent, I always thought that my life was extraordinary. That I was special to have such caring people in my life.

How wrong was I?

It shouldn't have been surprising that every thing in my life that I had cared so much about just got destroyed. I couldn't help the tears that clouded my eyes as I watched the two most important people in my life ruin it completely.

I couldn't watch. It was too much. The feeling of betrayal was not lessening, regardless of the couple of minutes that had passed. My brain was frozen in time even as I ran through the corridors and sneaked into the bathroom.

My hands gripped onto the counter for support as I stared at my swollen eyes and tear-streaked face. As I kept on thinking back to the image frozen in my head, I finally understood the saying 'Keep your friends close but your enemies closer.'

It did not mean that knowing the enemy better would help you predict their moves. It meant that you should keep your enemies closer because they cannot betray you more than what a close friend could.

Like how my close friends did to me.


So, how was it? Personally I am really excited for this story and the updates would be really frequent but I suspect that it will be quite long. So you are in for a long adventure.

I hope that this book goes according to plan but if you all give me some great ideas, I will change the plot partially to add in your ideas because I don't want this book based on my ideas alone. Which means this book will basically be like a group effort. Sounds fun, right?

Then, what are you waiting for?
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- Erup M.D

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