Chapter 4 🍮

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The bright, white walls of the hospital were the first thing that greeted my sensitive eyes when I awoke. The harsh light seeped into my pupils and I winced and immediately shut my eyes closed.

My mother always said that I was an unusual child. She was right. While most people regained their senses slowly after being awakened from a medicine-induced state, my first reaction used to be tearing my eyes open. It infuriated her to no end that I gave no warning before I awakened.

I always felt it was a strange thing to be angry about and I had tried questioning her about it once. My reward for my curiosity was a timeout where I was forced to surrender my phone and cage myself in the bedroom for fifteen minutes straight. Yes, it was a peculiar thing but in my family, everyone had to do timeouts for their mistakes. Even though we were no longer in nursery. 

A loud throb echoed in the back of my mind and I felt like someone was banging my head with a extra-large hammer. My vision was hazy and though I could feel the harshness of the light penetrating through my eyes, my vision could hardly locate anything around me.

I heard voices murmuring and I turned my head to the side to catch the words more clearly. Bad choice. A sharp pain shot up my spine and I felt like crying out yet no sound left my mouth.

What had happened? Why was I even in a hospital? I had completed all the tests that had been required for the surgery and I was sure that I had already come for my monthly checkup two weeks ago. Then, why was I stuck in a hospital bed with pain engulfing my whole body?

I cracked my head for answers and with great deliberation, the memories came back to me.

Aria and Adrian.

Their betrayal.

The scene we made in the corridor.

Me running up to the fourth floor.

Standing in the ledge, contemplating to suicide.

Slipping off the ledge.

Banging my head against a thick branch.

My eyes widened as I remembered. Everything came back to me and the heartache become apparent once more. Why did this have to happen to me? Was I that terrible that even my best friend and boyfriend –well ex– had to leave me?

I was not allowed to drown in self-pity for much longer because the voices near my bed became louder.

"She will wake up soon." An unfamiliar voice said.

"You have been saying that for the past four days, doctor. How soon?" I heard my mother say. I could hear the sadness in her voice and it broke my heart.

She had gone through so much, even more than me. She had to watch her husband walk out of her life the moment her daughter got claimed with cancer. She had to see her son waste his life right in front of her. She was forced to balance the entire, crumbling household on her shoulders.

Her life was not easy and I felt like smacking my head for putting her through this pain of almost losing me once more. I was a terrible daughter.

My fingers twitched and the heart monitor above my head went crazy. It started making weird sounds and I winced at its loudness. This definitely caught the attention of the doctor and my mother.

"Sweetheart, you are awake." My mom said, a giddy grin plastered on her face. I tried to return her enthusiasm with a small smile but it came out as a grimace. I gulped and there was a horrible feeling of saliva moving slowly throughout my dry throat.

"Oh, right." Mom said, remembering  that I needed water if I was to respond to her. She leaned to the side of the bed and brought a glass of water to my face. Pressing the button on the side of the bed, she elevated me into a sitting position, making pain shoot up my back and paralysing me.

I tried to command my mouth to open up in the middle of the haze of pain and as soon as my throat was quenched, I once again found myself in a sleeping position.

The soft murmurs of the doctor and my mother as well as the beeps of the heart monitor lulled me back into sleep. If I had known that staying awake for a bit longer would have changed my life, I would never have slept at that moment.

And... Another chapter this week. Sorry that it's short, I just didn't want to fit too many things in this chapter. I know, I know, there is too many confusing things but it is necessary for what I have planned. And I have planned quite a lot. *wink* *wink*

I have an idea for another story. It revolves around werewolves and witches and mythical creatures. I have got a rough idea of what is will be about but I am still working on the details. I think I will make it a romance story but I am not sure if I want their ending to be happy or sad. Might need a bit of help with that part.

Anyways, if you hate hospitals as much as I do (all my memories there were not good ones, well other than when I was born but I don't really remember that so it doesn't count), don't forget to vote, comment and fan.. I'll give you a virtual ice cream for it.😉

See you in the next chapter...


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