Chapter 8 🍬

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The day went by slowly, Alex being subjected to insults at every class she went to. No, insults were not the words she would use to describe the phrases that were being hurled at her. It was more like taunts.

What are you doing here? Don't you belong in a mental hospital?

Fighting with your best friend over your boyfriend? That's stupid. No wonder, he left you!

Did you know she tried to commit suicide? And to think that I once thought she was my role model!

You are sick! Not just physically, but mentally! You don't belong here! Just go back to the asylum you came from. The mental asylum!

Even though it hurt, Alex listened to each of her schoolmates comments without reacting. She was too tired of it to argue with them. Someone had once told her that if you ignore it, they get bored and stop. She hoped it was true. After all, Alex didn't want anymore bullying to happen to her after today.

Lunch time came and Alex was pondering whether it would be too cowardly to eat her lunch in the canteen. She didn't think she could stand the crowd in the school canteen and she absolutely did not want to be subjected to anymore verbal bullying while she was trying to keep her food in her stomach.

Alex found herself being the first in the line to get food. There were not many people in the canteen yet and Alex smiled at the thought of it being easier to sneak out from the sight of curious eyes and eat in the library or any empty classroom she could find.

Just as she was about to leave the canteen, a muscular arm grasped her hand. Her eyes widened and she turned around in fright. She just hoped that it was not somebody who decided to take the bullying to a physical level.

Luckily, it was just Zach, looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"Can you sit with me for lunch today?" he asked, making adorable puppy-eyes so that she would agree with him. To be honest, she found his eyes a bit too squinted to be adorable and she glanced towards the direction of the library.

She didn't want anyone to hurt her during lunch but she couldn't miss the chance of sitting with Zach for lunch. She knew that she needed to hang out more with him if she wanted to know that her crush was just a simple crush or it had a chance of blossoming into something more.

Alex nodded slowly and Zach grinned. He intertwined their hands together and brought her to the table he had been sitting on. Alex's eyes widened as she realised that it consisted of all the popular people, including the people who played any type of sports and the cheerleaders.

Alex winced at the though of sitting beside these people. They had been bullying her throughout the day and she didn't think she could actually swallow her food if she sat to wat with them.

Alex was about to bolt, Zack all forgotten, when he pulled her hand, making her fall onto the seat that he had taken out for her to sit on.

"Zach, I can't eat here," she hissed in his ears.

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