Chapter Thirty-Eight: Optimum est pati quod emendare non possis

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Chapter Thirty-Eight:Optimum est pati Quod emendare non possis (it is best to endure what you cannot change)


Hey there, I’m Alex J. of course, why would I even bother to introduce myself when you already probably know who I am, right? It seems like our usual narrators are slacking off their job and it is the duty of mine, as the perfect student, to continue where that brat Andrew left off.

So, where are we? Oh yeah… Eyi got kidnapped. Those two has some major issues… I can tell even if I’m not really part of the whole case and I just seem like an extra character… WHICH I’M NOT! I’m too gorgeous to be a side character… (flips hair).

Well before Mei Yi catches me and scolds me… Here’s what you missed and the author is too lazy to write about because it doesn’t really amount to much but as a summary such as this.

Firstly, it’s already been six months since we last (I mean Andrew) saw Eyi.

Secondly, the culprit was Jack Shallowtail.

Yes, guys… believe it or not!

Who would have thought, right? But looking back… doesn’t he fit all the description given? Damn, and I would have bet it was Kyle’s dad or Koji… right? Well as to his motive… hmm… well as I have been told by my sources (Mei Yi and Galatea) it seems that Jack is actually Eyi’s uncle… well, his mom’s youngest brother who survived the forest fire (confirmed by Kyle’s dad when he saw Jack’s photo). He was bent on getting his niece back so he persevered in his trade, made Eyi forget everything about us here (Ryuuki confessed) and even got training from the ever so guilty Koji (shocking, isn’t it? It seems that Koji was SUPPOSED to be one of the Eyi’s dad’s, Ganymede, assassin). So, it all adds up, doesn’t it? If you don’t get it then just go huddle up in some corner, drink a whole lot of coffee and read this novel from chapter one!

Thirdly, here’s the juicy part… Ryu and Galatea accepted that they are half-siblings and Galatea’s dad accepted Ryuuki who was living alone after his parents got divorced.  So they are one happy family… of course they still love each other but it’s just sad though… it was sibling love… awww. As for Aglaia and Anty… well they married a week ago in HAstaziga but the King agreed to let Anty finish his degree first (though in a university in Hastaziga). How nice… my best friend is going to be king *sniff.

Well, here we are now a half a year after Eyi got kidnapped and Andrew looks like a madman. Ha-ha! If only he would get over Eyi… he could even be the second best looking guy around. (smiles)

Oh, here comes my lovely flower, Mei yi!

“What is it my love?”

“Why in the world are you still here in your room? Shouldn’t you go comfort Andrew or something? I mean Anty couldn’t and all he sees is freaking Kyle!”

“My dear… a man does not like to be pitied. His pride would disintegrate!”

“…you and your pathetic jokes. But… I really do want Eyi back, Alex” she said and sits on my lap.

“I know… but who could also blame Jack? He only wanted his only existing family member back… he waited years in order to be with her like that… to be able to live like a family and be the fatherly figure Eyi never had. I think Jack thinks of Eyi as a daughter even though he really is NOT that old.”

“Suppose so… but why did he have to monopolize her like that?”

“We never know… maybe he feels guilty if Eyi, under normal circumstances, knew about his real identity…”

“Maybe he felt afraid that Eyi might not like him? Or maybe that Eyi will hate him because he was saved but her mother wasn’t?”

“Maybe so…”

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