Chapter Ten: Vis Medicatrix Naturae

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Chapter Ten: Vis Medicatrix Naturae (the healing power of nature)

A scene suddenly flashed in my head… when Bellus gave me that chrysanthemum (see chapter 5)… he said “cetera desunt” when Anty was calling me… what does that mean? I searched my Latin notes and saw the meaning…”the rest is missing”.

I wonder what was incomplete. What is he hiding from me? Perhaps Anty had something to do with it? Hmm… snap out of it Aeidein! Past is past!

The next day seemed normal enough even though it was almost the summer vacation which means in a few weeks Alex and Anty are officially graduates.

I told myself to get over everything… I knew there was no way it could have been us. Besides I am here to make my benefactor proud and not get him involved in risky business. Whoever he was I have got to protect his reputation.

I may be lying if I said I am not sad but of course that is part of life… letting go.

I started to occupy myself with schoolwork, sports committee work and club activities to help myself have a jump start and move on.

“Aren’t you pushing yourself too hard Eyi?” Anty asked me when we were all having tea in the greenhouse.

“I think something is up” Mei Yi declared.

“Is something wrong?” Galatea said with a concerned stare.

Ryuuki is still silent but the fact that he is here seems that he cares.

“You’re trying to forget something” Alex said.

I guess it’s no use trying to hide something from concerned friends.

“It’s nothing! I am just thinking of the upcoming summer break!” I said with a fake smile.

“I suggest we all have an out of town trip this summer” Ryuuki finally spoke.

“I agree!” Galatea confirmed while hugging Ryuuki, it was both awkward yet sweet, I guess they finally understood one another… I’m very happy for them.

“What do you say Mei Yi?” Alex asked the youngest in the group.

“I don’t have any objections” said the mature sophomore.

“But Eyi goes back to the monastery every summer break” Anty defended.

“Oh!” Galatea gasped.

“Well, I can visit them before summer ends… why not?” I said.

“Fine, then I’ll go as well” Anty said with closed eyes.

“Great!” Galatea is such a bundle of joy… I can see Ryuuki looking at her then to me… I smiled as if to say “good job!” and he blushed. What a cute couple.

Week passed and it was the long awaited summer break… my first ever one that does not involve baby sitting kids. All this while… I never saw even a shadow of Andrew. Wait a minute! Why am I even thinking about him? Aren’t I here to enjoy myself? I slapped myself to wake myself up. We were going to Galatea’s villa down south with a beach in Alex’s car… who knew he had a driver’s license?

The sun shone brightly as we started on our way…

“It’s so hot!” Galatea complained while she was fanning Ryuuki.

“Why don’t you fan yourself then?” Mei Yi asked from the passenger seat in the front.

“Well, I don’t want Ryuuki to suffer from heat stroke you know”

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