Chapter Eleven: Tout comprende c'est pardoner

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Chapter Eleven: tout comprendre c’est tout pardoner (to understand all is to forgive all)

“Tempus Fugit” as they say… time flies when you are having fun.

The week at the villa was so much fun that it felt like only a day that has passed. The sun, the sand and the wind were so relaxing that one could forget his troubles. We swam, scuba dived, cooked barbecue, told each other scary stories… so this is what it means to have great friends. I even got to teach Mei Yi and Galatea to cook simple meals! Truly, I have been blessed with great friends that I don’t know how to thank God properly. Coming to that vacation was all it took to regain my zest so my ‘siblings’ at the monastery didn’t even guess that I was troubled. I looked forward to school because even if I see Andrew I had to face him… I had to tell him how I feel… just like Ryuuki’s words “what matters most is what the ones you care about think”. To be honest, I was at first hesitant but if I don’t take the risk… I’ll regret it for the rest of my life! What do I have to lose anyway? I just want to be beside him… I just want to feel his warmth and hear his heartbeat that always makes mine go crazy.

After school I finished club duties early and went straight to the mellifluous tree in the forest where I first saw Bellus… I mean Andrew (see Chapter One).

I know this may sound stupid but I thought that he might appear just like magic as he did before. You may call me crazy but what have I got to lose? I prayed fervently in my heart that he would appear…

“Please talk to me Andrew!” I whispered to myself as I sat in the tree’s shadow with my eyes closed.

Minutes passed without any luck but I resolved to wait until sunset… I can’t stand the thought of losing him this way!

The day’s warmth and the breeze made me drowsy and I napped a little unconsciously.

I am not sure how long I slept but when I was slowly regaining consciousness I felt something warm on my lips.

There was softness touching my lips that I remember so well… that I loved so well and that I want so much! I slowly opened my eyes and clear brown eyes greeted me bringing light to the dark surroundings… it’s past sunset.

He withdrew his lips from mine that I can’t help but sigh a little that I hope he didn’t notice.

“…sorry, I couldn’t resist” his voice echoed in my heart… how I longed for that voice to make my ears want it more… he was like a drug I can’t get enough of… being apart from him is like tearing off a part of myself.

“…Andrew” I whispered to him.

He didn’t look at me… he was hurt just like I was. Why am I so stupid? Just because I think we don’t suit each other I ran away from him! He can be Adi for Pete’s sake, Aeidein!

He stood up and was starting to walk away… It was painful… I know loneliness and I see it in his aura.

“…Are you leaving me again Adi?” I asked with a firm voice.

“…what?” he asked in a surprised manner turning back to me.

“Anty made me remember… you’re Adi aren’t you? The boy I loved when we were kids…” I said without looking at him.

“…Aya, I…” he was coming closer.

“Now, you’re leaving me again… what happened to ‘make Aya mine’ plan, huh? Is that all a joke?” why am I being mean again? Sometimes I think my brain, heart and mouth aren’t attached at all!

“I’m working on it… but…”

“So… you’re giving up and just going to quit? Ha-ha! Is this the Potere heir?” I said sarcastically.

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