Chapter Nine: Freon

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Chapter Nine: Freon (to love)

Ever since Mei Yi and Galatea moved in my room, every night became a slumber party. My spacious room became a den of comfort and luxury money can offer. Cabinets were replaced by antique closets filled with pretty dresses that my wardrobe seem so insignificant compared with theirs that I just occupy a little spot in the closet. The plain white curtains became frilly silk curtains that dance with the breeze when the windows are left open. The plain linoleum floor became expensive rugs from the other side of the globe that I can’t even bear to drop my pencil shavings or eraser fearing it might dirty it. The old single bed that I slept in for three years became a three set pink bed with matching gigantic pillows and blankets that the only difference between our beds are the items beside them. Mine has a bedside table with a lamp, a flower vase (courtesy of Anty) and a small bible. Mei Yi has stuffed animals all over the bed. Galatea preferred her bed to have chocolates at the bedside table.

“Isn’t this a bit over the top?” I said with a face that matched my comment or rather complain.

“Why, nonsense! It’s just the bare essentials!” Galatea said.

“Don’t worry about it much Aya” Mei Yi said from the newly installed bathtub in the bathroom that used to only be a shower.

As an orphan who lives only on the REAL bare essentials of life… this is totally too luxurious and let me tell you how hard it is when you’re overly conscious like me in that room. I watch every drop from the tub so that it won’t drip to the bathroom floor; I cautiously tie the silk curtains fearing they might rip, and I can’t even let myself eat properly in the room because I might mess the bed or the expensive rug at my foot. I don’t know if I’ll ever get use to having ridiculously rich friends as my room mates.

The first night they moved in, Galatea didn’t even let me have the pleasure of sleep even if I was dead tired because she wanted me to get Ryuuki talking that night.

We waited until the slow melody of Ryuuki’s violin echoed in the room then I opened my window to let them see him play. The moment Ryuuki saw Galatea in my room he suddenly stopped and shut his windows… this continued for a week.

“He really does hate me!” Galatea cried her eyes out every night that passes without Ryuuki’s violin playing in the background.

“Don’t be sad Galatea, he’s just shy… when he first discovered that I was listening he stopped as abruptly as that…”

“And didn’t play for the next nights?”

“uhh… well… we talked and he still played every night”

She cried again.

Even if Galatea Excelsior is a powerful foe to others… she is still just a girl who has unrequited love.

I wonder what Ryuuki thinks of her.

I went out for a while and walked in the garden beside the dormitories.

There was a clearing where the moon shone and a lone figure plays the violin.

I stopped and listened for a while as he continued playing but a treacherous branch broke on my feet and I was discovered by the angel beneath the moon.

“Aeidein? What are you doing here?” he said plainly.

“Out for fresh air… being surrounded by luxurious whatchamacallits gets me suffocated…”

He laughed a little; his blue eyes sparkled like the stars being reflected by the sea.

“Do you really hate it when other people hear you play?”

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