Chapter Nineteen: Scolded like a child

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Chapter Nineteen: Scolded like a child

The night was getting chilly and my skin was already shaking but I was oblivious to it because right now my heart is so thumping loudly as if on the brink of death.

Andrew was coming and I know freaking well that he was mad. I felt it in his voice over the phone. But why am I afraid? I did nothing wrong! I just went out to a fair with Kyle and met my benefactor who happens to be his dad!

I looked at the white phone Anthony gave me. 20 missed calls all from Andrew and 5 from each of my friends. There are also messages:

Andrew: I’ll be home early dear.

Andrew: Butler said you’ve gone out. Where are you?

Andrew: Who invited you to dinner?

Andrew: School guards say you were with a guy. Who is he?

Andrew: It’s getting late Aya, please call back

Andrew: if you don’t want to text or call me… can you at least pick up the damn phone?!

Andrew: still waiting for you at the dining table. Have you eaten yet?

Andrew: I’m starting to worry Aya… where are you? Please text back!

Andrew: Are you mad at me? Please call or text back! I miss you!

Galatea: Andrew called me and Ryuuki… Where in the world are you?!

Ryuuki: Please call Andrew, I don’t know what’s up but he’s worried sick about you

Galatea: Are you kidnapped?! Damn! Where are you?!

Anthony: Adi called me. Where are you? He sounds terrible Eyi! What happened? Give me a ring

Mei Yi: Andrew called us. Did you two fight? What’s wrong? Please make up.

Alex: Eyi! Hey! Uhm… is everything cool? Anyways… Andrew called and just wanted to say… WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! That’s all… chill!

Andrew: Aya… are you still there? Your phone is ringing but no one is answering…

Andrew: please stay safe Aya… if you’re mad at me for some reason, please forgive me! I’m begging you Aya!

Okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. I think I have a ton of explaining to do.

I see Adi running this way from his silver Audi. His clothes are a mess! His face was red and he looked liked he just escaped from certain death or something. He ran up to me and hugged me like I was a survivor in a horror movie. “Thank God you’re okay!” he whispered in bated breath.

“Hey Adi… what’s up?” I said casually. He looked… no, glared at me.

He pulled me to the car and drove hastily to the mansion where we went straight to my room.

He pushed me to my bed and kneeled in front of me. He placed his head on my lap and caught his breath before he stood up again.

His partly open shirt made me stare at his chest… he looked so manly that I think I’m going to dream about him tonight.

He ran his fingers through his black hair and got his phone from his pocket.

He called just to say “she’s already here. Thanks”. He did this a few times before looking at me again.

I guess he was calling our friends and telling them I’m already with him so they won’t worry.

“Don’t you have something to tell me Aya?” he said seriously without taking his eyes off mine.

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