Chapter Thirty-One: Quid Fit

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Chapter Thirty-One: Quid Fit? (What’s happening?)

At last classes are over! Hmm… if I remember correctly she goes to the library with Kyle then to the greenhouse… And off she goes! Should I follow her? Why not?

“Will you stop following me?” she said with twisted features that looked both amusing and annoying.

“Hey, I’m the school chairman! I’m free to do whatever I wish and go wherever I want, capish?” I hate being rude to her but sometimes it’s almost as if like she’s asking for it.

“Well Mr. Chairman, sir… just because you’re so great you think everybody’s eating at the palm of your hands! What impudence!” she said and turned the other way. Well at least I’m 100% sure she’s the real thing… she’s the only one who has guts to say that line in my face. it’s like falling for her again… you know, that frankness and indifference… it’s so like her… this is why I said that even if she’s not my childhood friend, I’ll still love her anyways. She may be shy when it comes to love but she’s one hell of a speaker if she sets her mind and heart to it.

She’s that interesting… guys don’t prefer easy to get girls anyway… you know what, we love a challenge. When a girl gets you thinking, well that’s the time she’s going to be all over your mind… like a cute catchy tune you can’t get enough of.

I sat with her in the far side of the library where she usually seats and got rid of annoying fan girls coming at me…including making Kyle NOT come to the library. I’m such a genius. Well that’s life; you seem to want what you don’t have. I hate girls who just throw themselves over me… I mean, have some dignity! You’re pretty so let a guy chase you, okay? Don’t ever chase a guy… confessing is okay especially if the feeling is mutual but don’t go courting guys… it’s just… unnatural, besides… there will be more chances he’s just going to play with you. Believe me. Yeah… I’m guilty. But great lessons are learned the hard way so… girls, sorry but I needed to teach it to you that time (no need to mention names).

Okay, so back to business. For an almost-19 year old kid… I kind of talk like an old guy, right? Yeah… must be the genes or something. Anyways, when you’re always with ‘old men’ who are more ruthless than hungry tigers, they tend to rub on you… environment is a big factor for growth… note that.

Geez Aya, look at me! Do I have to chant a curse or something just so you’ll look at me? She’s just reading like she always does… am I that easy to ignore to her? She’s done it a million times, right? My looks certainly have no effect on this girl! It’s both a relief that looks aren’t her thing but it’s kinda depressing that it feels like she’s not impressed by it. Am I not good looking enough for her? She’s not even wavering! I’ve watched movies where the one who has amnesia kind of remembers her loved one through feelings… you know, those dramatic scenes where it kind of breaks the curse or something? Gah! Wait… that time at the house’s library… what did I tell her then to talk to me? Hmm… if I remember correctly I didn’t even speak then… maybe if I can recreate that situation, perhaps she’ll remember me?

Let’s try, shall we?

“What are you doing?” I said with the coolest smile I could make.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” so far so good…exact same words.

“You are avoiding me” okay, now this is tricky… will she say the same words she said then? “I’m not”

But on the contrary she said “Obviously, yes”.

Crap. Plan failed.

“Can I at least know why? You, my dear , are avoiding me while others, on the other hand, are dying to get my attention… what did I ever do to make you mad at me?” better to hit the target head on, right? I’m really not the complicated kind of guy and so is Aya so it’s a better approach to smack the problem in her face.

I know that’s harsh to hear but why beat around the bush when you can just bring it out in the open?

She sighed and closed the book in front of her.

“Geez, sorry for not being ‘others’ then. For one thing, you are certainly obnoxious seeing as you think I would fall head over heels for you just because you’re Andrew Potere…” she paused and looked at me.

“Secondly, I am in a relationship… I’m no two-timer, so I’m telling you to back off”

She’s so cute when she’s mad.

“Thirdly, I don’t know why but your presence is distracting for me. If I really did forget about you… you being an enemy is rather more convincing than you being my boyfriend”

Is it just me or is this girl more feisty now? Doesn’t she realize how blunt she is when it comes with me? I mean, if there is something special between me and Aya, it is the fact that we can’t lie to each other perfectly… or better yet, we seem to show every aspect of our personality unconsciously. Yeah… it’s like being with each other is the most natural thing in the world. Get my drift?

“And the chances of us being together is like dividing any number by zero… which is… a math error” she stared straight at me and sneered. So, even my sweet little Aya can be scary… in more ways than one. Her face, her expression, her words… her intention. If I didn’t know she had amnesia and she told me this… I would have jumped off the cliff right this minute.

But that’s just me being emotional again.

“Seriously, are you that dense? I know you feel something special for me… besides, why Kyle? I’m much better than that dude! You said it yourself!”

“And when did I ever? Kyle is the best boyfriend! He took me on a book fare, aquarium, on a moonlight picnic, to a movie and well… there are so many nice things he said to me that a proud guy like could never do! You know, Kyle sweeps me off my feet!”

“What? Now that’s just twisted! Except for the book fare, I was the one who you were with to all those places you’ve mentioned. This is ridiculous!”

“Well you’re the one who’s ridiculous! How dare you take credit? I don’t even know you! This conversation is over and I’m going… Don’t follow me!”

“Don’t you know? I’m the newest addition to the Gardening Club! Take care of me… Sempai~”

“Eww… a cute kouhai is so not you”

Dear me… how could I ever make this frighteningly insensitive girl to remember that I am, in fact, her very sweet, very loving, and not to mention devoted, boyfriend!

“What exactly do you want me to do just to get you off my back?” she said while spraying some orchids and making me do the literally ‘dirty’ work with digging holes.

“You see… this, is killing me!” I waved me hand at her.

“You just gestured to all of me”

“Yes! Because ‘this’ isn’t looking at me anymore… the way it used to”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about… I don’t know how I looked at you before but I think that, from now on… I’ll never look at you the same way again. Deal with it!” she said straight out. I felt like she just drove a machete down my throat.

Okay, even for me, this is too much. I walked out on her and went to the tree that held special moments with her.

Here now I sit… like a child looking at his deep scar.

Of course this is me being all emotional again.

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