Chapter Thirty-Six: Terra Firma

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Chapter Thirty-Six: Terra Firma (Solid Ground)

Hmm… eating alone is really lonesome…

I wonder if Andrew will be back today. He said he’ll try to… I do hope he does.

I just saw him yesterday morning and he’s still not home… I wonder where he left off to… butler said that maybe Jack knew… who is this Jack someone-someone anyway?

I think I’ll take a walk out in the garden.

“Good evening Miss Aeidein…”

A blonde haired man walked up to me…

“Who are you?”

“I guess I’m part of the memory you have lost… let me reintroduce myself; I am Jack Shallowtail… Andrew’s adopted older brother”

“You’re… Jack? Uhm… do you know where Andrew flew off to?”

“I believe he’s in Hastaziga…”

“What is he doing there?”

“Finding a cure for you, what else?”

“Oh… he didn’t have to… such great lengths for such as myself…”

“Just proves how much he loves you”

“b-but… are those memories really important? We can always make new ones, right?”

“that may be easy for you to say, but considering Andrew’s position… he doesn’t think the same way… those memories are what made you two tightly knit and for someone like him who never had a normal life until now… they are his most precious treasures that proves how much you two love each other… you can’t just recreate those moments”

He looked at the night sky.

“I’m really angry at myself for always troubling Andrew… I can’t seem to function properly without him, don’t i?”

“That goes the same for him… you restored humanity in him… so you must not give up” he walked up to me and touched my cheek.

His dark brown eyes shone ever so brightly… it’s like seeing my own reflection in those familiar eyes… yes… very familiar… I just can’t help but stare.

“…Marianne…” he whispered.

“Aya! Jack? What are you two doing here?” Andrew appeared out of nowhere.

“…what do you think we were doing?” Jack said slyly.

“I-i-i-it’s not what you think!” I said flustered.

“Geez… don’t make a rival from yourself Jack…” Andrew said tapping his shoulder. He obviously trusts this brother of his.

“She’s all yours Andrew” Jack walked away with Mr. Koji talking about something I think I’ll never know…

“Aya…” Andrew said when we were finally alone.

The wind blew between us… emphasizing the gap that grew because of my memory loss.

I gazed at him with wonder… he’s so beautiful… how could I have hurt this man so much? Just how much did I love this guy…? How come I don’t remember anything? Is the feeling of love attached to the memories we spent together? And now that the memory is gone… so is the feeling?

He stepped forward… reaching out his hand to me. Should I take it?

I looked at his outstretched hand… he had big warm hands. It’s heaven beside this cold night.

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