Chapter Thirteen: Zelosu

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Chapter Thirteen: Zelosu (jealous)

Spring was again coming to pass and this was by far the busiest time for us, me and Anty, the gardening club!

We were always staying up so late in school just to get a lot of chores done, like plant positioning, planting, harvesting, clipping… it’s just so much work that my entire time after the final examination was taken up by this and worst of all… I could only talk to Adi a few moments because it’s either we’re having class, he’s doing business related stuff, I’m busy with club, or his freaking hordes of fans keep getting in our way.

“So how are you related to Andrew-sama, Mirabilia-san?” they would often ask. And due to defensive reflexes I answer directly “we’re childhood friends” which I regret until now.

“I’m such an idiot, Anty!”

“Hey! Don’t let it out on the poor plants Eyi!”


“Then why don’t you just answer them properly?”

“Well… that’s because maybe… I am not sure myself?”

Anty stopped digging a hole for the Bamboo seedling he imported from China.

“Well… it’s just that… he didn’t tell me properly! What I do? I can’t just assume, right?”

“It is said that men are numb …but there really exist girls like you who are so dense it should be a crime”

“Oh! Don’t flatter me!”

“That was an insult, idiot!”

“But you said it with a straight face!”

“That doesn’t matter! Anyways… why don’t you just ask Adi then?” he said while continuing his task at hand.

“I can’t!” I declared.

“What? Why?! I thought there already has been a mutual understanding between the two of you?! You two are troublesome siblings!” he said in a brotherly tone. He was always looking after us even way back then… now it comes back to me. He was older than Adi and I in months so we always see him as an older brother.


“Hmm? I’m waiting”

“It’s just so embarrassing!”


“Well even if we were in the same class and his seat is right behind me people just flock to him you know! Like sheep to a shepherd! Or… or like insects to a darn light! Another thing, like aphids to leaves and ants to sugar!” I said with a triumphant grin then a disappointed sigh.

“You’re crazy you know that? So that’s why you aced your simile and metaphor exam” Anty teased.

“You’re not helping!” I exclaimed.

“Hey! The plants you dimwit!” he scolded with an authoritative tone and stopped my hand from further damaging the plants.

“But Anty~” I pleaded.

“What’s wrong with not being with him and seeing a bunch of girls flock around him? That’s not new, right? Anyway doesn’t distance make the heart grew fonder?” he just loves goofing around with me and he is supposed to be a mature big brother figure to me! Then again, every now and then I sense that suppressed hurt I’ve given him…

“But my heart races when I’m with him, my temperature’s going up and my mind is filled with perverted thoughts of him! Then when I am not with him I get all dreary, my mind blank and anemic! Its polar opposites! Then when I see girls flirting with him and he being nice and all… it’s tearing my heart to pieces! I’m going crazy!” I pathetically explained… I’m actually conscious that I’m hurting him.

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