Chapter Two: Obiit

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Chapter Two: Obiit (he did)  

I sat alone in the bench under the shade of a tree facing the track where the Marathon club is practicing for their next interschool competition in the early morning. When I was at the orphanage, we would have these mini sport festivals where we were all forced to attend… even the non-sporty kids like myself. I would always envy those who won. I really admire people who are athletic. Watching the runners was quite a treat for me. I guess you could say that this is my leisure time. I don’t go to movies or anything of the sort besides; I don’t even have any friends in this school.

It was already noon so I stood up and walked homewards. When I was past the race track and passing by the Soccer Club a ball flew toward me hitting me in the head…

Owww… my legs failed me as I sat there nursing my injured head.

“I’m so sorry miss…”

A gentle voice said as he approached me.

“..I... I am fine; it’s just that my head kind of hurts a little.” I said as I turned my head and see who he was.

“Hey Captain! If she’s fine, come back here so we can continue!” a dark player said in the background.

“I guess you’re a wanted person Captain” I said as he helped me to stand up.

This guy’s name is Alexandre Jemaintiendrai; he is the Soccer Club’s captain and the Chief of the Sports Committee. He is the idol of many girls as well as the heir of Jemaintiendrai Five Star hotel chains all around the world. Only a complete idiot or alien does not know him in the campus.

Alex smiled at me as he ran his fingers through his ruffled light brown hair tied in a ponytail.

“You should learn to develop your reflexes more…” he said with a laugh.

“Say, what’s your name? It seems that I always notice you here on weekends” he continued.

“It’s… Aeidein Mirabilia of class 3-3 high school division, sir… I… it’s just that I like watching sports although I’m not sporty myself”

“That’s nice! Oh, don’t be so formal Aeidein... Call me Alex; please continue to cheer us on okay?”

I nodded and excused myself from his presence.

Alex is such a kind person that it is no mystery why everyone likes him. He has such a bright aura that can warm up even a mid winter day.

I always admired him for being such a sociable person…

He is a really refreshing person that I can’t get myself to be mad even if my brains got shattered with that dumb ball.

I went inside the school building and straight to the infirmary.

“Excuse me Doctor Travers” I said as I slowly opened the infirmary.

“You should know how to restrain yourself!” I heard the doctor’s angry voice.

“She must be lecturing a student” I thought to myself.

I entered the infirmary quite boldly because if there is one person who really cared for me, it’s Doctor Hyacinth Travers.

“Doctor?” I said as I tapped lightly on the door.

“geez! Lie down! Or else I’ll have to inform your parents!” she really is a dedicated Doctor.

“Oh, Aeidein! What’s the matter?” she finally noticed me when she turned around and closed the white sheet on the patient who was lying down on one of the beds.

“A ball hit my head and…” she didn’t let me finish my explanation and immediately grabbed an icepack and shoved it on my face.

“Oh my! Oh my!” it seems that I have forgotten to tell you how panicky this person is.

“I’m fine! Don’t worry much; it’s just a little bump”

“But you might have internal bleeding! Or your head got hit pretty hard and got amnesia! What’s my name? Where do you live?”

She really cares a lot about me and treats me like her child.

“You’re Doctor Hyacinth Travers and I live at KU school Dormitory… can I lie down now?” I asked, for my head was really killing me.

“Of course, of course, come here on the second bed… the other one is taken…”

“Thank you Doctor,”

“Rest well dear, I’ll wake you up before I close the infirmary later…”

She stood up and walked towards the door.

“Where are you going?” I asked wearily.

“I got a meeting in five minutes, don’t worry I’ll lock the door” and so she went on her way.

The cool breeze made me drowsy but my head still hurt so much… I tried to close my eyes for a short nap but still unsuccessful due to my throbbing bump.

“Hey there Aya…” a familiar voice suddenly said coming from the open window.

“…yes!” I said.

“Wow, you really like seeing me huh?” Bellus showed his beautiful face and jumped from the window into the still room.

“…not that.”

“Then what?”

“I managed to get to sleep…”

“Oh yeah?” he said with a smirk. “What makes you say that?”

“Because I am seeing you… although I wonder…”

“About what?”

“Well… I still feel my throbbing head”

Bellus went to me and felt my head.

“You got hit pretty hard Aya” he started gently patting my head.


“Does this make you feel good?” he asked while smiling.

“Yes it does…”

Bellus sat near my head and gently placed my head on his lap petting my head ever so soothingly.

“You know Bellus, when I was a little girl… a childhood friend always did this to me…

I already forgot his name because he was adopted when I was four… he was such a darling little boy… he would always think of a nickname for me so he called me different cute names everyday but he never found the perfect one until he finally got adopted”

“You like him?”

“I might have…” the gentle caress of Bellus’ hand and the calmness that surrounded us made me drown in a sweet unconsciousness.

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