Chapter Sixteen: Schey

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Chapter Sixteen: Schey (shyness)

We entered the Potere Mansion a few kilometers from the school buildings inside the school premises but on the northernmost point where it is safely hidden from view by giant tree similar to red oaks.

“Wow, you live all by yourself here?” I asked.

“Not exactly alone, I have a total of 20 servants employed here besides the butler and the head chef…” Andrew explained.

“Oh… can’t imagine what kind of life you live here” I said as we walked towards the living room.

“Well for tonight and tomorrow before you go home, you’ll know, Mistress” Andrew said with a bow.

“You’re making me embarrassed!” I said.               

“What would you like to eat? Would you like a bath? Or watch DVD with me? Or maybe let’s talk in my room?” he said as I was shown to the dining table laid with delicious food.

Andrew sat beside me.

“Isn’t this a bit too much?” I whispered.

“If you wish it darling, nothing is too much, too crazy, too anything… your wish is my command”

“What are you, a genie?” I said with a raised eyebrow and a mouthful.

“I can be anything if you want to…” he said with a fixed gaze at me.

“Aren’t you going to eat? This is delicious!”

“I’m not really hungry besides…” he said leaning closer to me “…this is more delicious” he licked the morsel on my cheek.

“You’re making me blush!” I exclaimed.

He just laughed.

The butler gave him a clipboard filled with papers.

“I’ll be back in a bit Aya, feel at home okay? I’ve already instructed everyone here to attend to any of your desires” he left for a room with big doors at the hallway.

After dinner, I was shown to the bathroom… that was as big as two rooms from the dormitory!

So this was the life of a rich brat… it’s to be pampered! I then realized how far apart our worlds are… the bathtub was more like a Jacuzzi! It was so relaxing that I felt so sleepy just staying there.

I washed myself and put on the bathrobe.

There were two maids that were whispering to themselves and looking at me.

“Do you want to ask something?” I asked them while walking towards the guestroom.

“Mistress, Master must really really like you…” the shorter one said.

“What makes you say that?”

“well, Master was looking so happy just by looking at you… he’s never like that… he just fakes a smile but to you… are you perhaps his bride?” the bolder one with long hair said.

“Is that so? I guess it’s just that we like each other” I smiled shyly to hide my embarrassment over the ‘bride’ part.

They opened a door with pink paint.

The room was splendid! It was a girl’s dream! It was as big as the bathroom and the bed was huge! There were items that I don’t even know what for but beautify the room even more… it was like a princess’ room.

“Did we enter the wrong room? Aren’t I supposed to be in a guest room? This seems to be someone else’s room” I asked them.

“This room has been prepared long before I was even employed here miss and we were instructed to bring you here” one of them answered.

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