Chapter Three: Mellifluous Expressare

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Chapter Three: The Mellifluous Expressare

I was awoken by the gentle shaking of Doctor Travers.

“… you can go home now Aeidein dear.”

I yawned as I got out of the bed.

“…could you do me a little favor sweetie?”

 It was rare for Dr. Travers to ask me for a favor so how could I possibly refuse her?

“Look at this…” she showed me a school bag.

“That guy… he forgot it, can you please bring it to him?”

I looked at the nametag placed on the bag.

“Ryuuki Propatria class 3-1”

“Isn’t he…”I mumbled.

“Yup, he’s pretty popular… he is the son of an executive producer and a world class musician… he’s also quite a cutie...J”

“geez… fine… where is he anyways?”

“He’s staying at the boy’s dormitory… room 4… be careful though... His fans might kill you if they see you...” she teased.

I went to the boy’s dormitory which was the building right next to my dormitory.

This little errand also holds quite a mystery to me because I was curious…

I was at the room at the end of the hallway at the first floor so I can hear sounds from the room right next to me from the boy’s dormitory. It’s really bothersome yet soothing because whoever was there always played a mesmerizing melody that lulled me to sleep.

“…maybe sometime I should consider making some noise myself” I thought as I entered the building.

The Dorm-master greeted me and asked me what my business was at that hour for it was already seven in the evening.

I gave the bag and he asked me for my name and class so the student can thank me properly but it seems that he was already asleep so the teacher thanked me and I returned to my dormitory defeated.

I changed into my pajamas and started to get to bed. I was not really that sleepy so I decided to read a little.

At exactly 9pm the music from the room next to me started flowing… drowning me in its heavenly rhythm.

“I wonder if Bellus can hear this in my head…” I thought. But more than that question is my curiosity on who was this mysterious musician…

I can hear the mellow vibration of a sad violin that defeats the singing nightingale deep in the school forest.

This sweet melody… its rhythm dictates my heart’s beating.

I felt a rush of blood to my cheeks and then there was warmth.

The music began to slowly gain momentum… my heart raced with each rise in octave.

Tears flowed unconsciously on my cheeks. Two drops racing to disappear from my face for fear of discovery.

Feeling quite bold, I ventured to open my windows and take a peek on the violinist that quiets his heart’s secret sobs of loneliness through this wild release of emotion mixed with the passionate whirlwind of music.

Music rushed with the cold night wind slapping my face with its powerful force.

The winter air is slowly and mercilessly devouring the late autumn in the bright moonlit night.

So it's youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora