Jake was not convinced. "I'm guessing your father doesn't know about this?"

"No. And you're not going to tell him," I threatened.

Jake laughed. "Alright, alright. Easy there, tiger. So tell me about this boy."

"Well, he is a grasshole, who doesn't know when to be nice enough to talk to," I huffed.

"I'm guessing he got fed up by your constant talking," Jake teased.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure he did. Whatever. I can make other friends," I said, waving it off.

Jake chuckled at my annoyance just as we reached school. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder, I fought my way into the hall and over to my locker.

Surprisingly, Drew was leaning against my locker when I reached it, with Jake trailing behind me.

"Hey," Drew waved.

"Hey. What are you doing here?"

"Can't I go to meet my new bestie?" Drew teased.

"Hey! That was my spot," Jake pouted, mocking hurt.

We all laughed, just as Rebecca came over.

"Hey gurl!!!" she screamed, flinging herself at me.

"Heya," I greeted, managing to catch myself before I collided with the ground because of Rebecca's weight.

"And who's this?" Becca asked after releasing me from her deathly hold.

"This is Andrew. Andrew this is Rebecca, my bestie since grade 2," I said cheerfully.

"He claims that he is Elaine's new bff," Jake pointed.

"What? No. You cannot take my position. Elaine! How could you do this to me!?" Becca mock wailed.

We all laughed just as the bell rang. "Okay bye, my idiotic friends. I'll see you guys later." I waved with a mocking flying kiss.

"Bye," they chorused.


Attending my first class of the day, I settled at a seat on the last row since it was Chemistry. I flipped through the pages of my notebook as I waited for the class to start. Students were pouring inside the class before Ms. Burnhill finally entered the class.

"What are you waiting for? Take out your books and turn to page 394," Ms Burnhill barked.

"Alright. So today, we are gonna learn..." and she went droning on and on about complex compounds and how they are used in everyday life.

Exactly 5 minutes after she started the lesson, the door slammed open and like the first day after the holidays, Xavier entered looking as handsome as ever.

Wait what?

His hair was ruffled and all over the place which gave him the sexy 'I just rolled out of bed' look. His muscles were constricted under a grey-second-skin like t-shirt with his usual black leather jacket and loose black jeans. The grey went well with his eyes and I couldn't help but stare as his lips tugged into a cocky smirk in my direction.

A War of Guns and RosesWhere stories live. Discover now