C H A P T E R 27

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"You can say it you know

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"You can say it you know." Head leaning against the car window, I played with the jewelry around my neck.

"Say what?" Tisha did a careful overtake and passed the car before us. Our car then accelerated that I had to hold on for dear life. It felt like we were moving on a hundred and twenty kilometers per hour.

"Tish, I still want to live long enough to make my next mistake." I had my right hand on the grab handle and my left on the seat belt. "So, for the love of all things, ease up on the damn gas!"

"Oh Cupcake, I think you made enough to last you the next lifetime." She finally slowed down and looked at me. "How are you holding up?"

"Nauseated and I think I left half of my soul when you sped past that last couple of blocks. Otherwise, fine." Hand still gripping the bar, I took a deep breath and glared at her. "What the fuck was that for?"

"Just checking," Chuckling, she returned her attention to driving, relatively slower this time.

"Checking?" I am friends with a fucking lunatic. "You almost drove us to the afterlife just because you wanted to check on something. Pray do tell what the experiment yielded."

"You still have a healthy ounce of will to live. Congratulations, Cupcake." She smirked.

"Bottom-line?" Not in the mood to play, I'm losing patience fast. I just want to kick these heels off and soak in a bath.

"Bottom-line, want to keep your life, you stay the fuck away from the tall beauty with the new arm candy." She said through gritted teeth. "Nope, let me rephrase that. You see any Hensen coming at you, walk the other way."

As if I didn't know better.

The moment I regained my sight a few months back, I tried to reach her but failed, only to see her today with her Prim.

I guess Austen wasn't just pulling air. There was truth to it.

"Sammie, repeat after me." Stopping in front of my building, Tisha turned to turn off the ignition. "No good comes from getting involved with the hot-blooded women of the Hensen family."

Penelope looked so beautiful I literally had frozen on the spot. All I wanted was to hug her—forgetting the weeks on end that she made her disappearing act.

Damn, maybe I really didn't know better.

Somebody else was there with her. Someone as beautiful and wealthy as Prim De Lucca could trump over mere mortals like me.

I had neither to speak of.

Maybe I was destined to be the past time of emotionally unavailable women who were pining for their loves.

Well fuck! Isn't that just dandy?

"Nothing good comes from the Hensen women. If anyone was within the close vicinity, I walk away." I mechanically chanted.

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