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Three months—three fucking months that I haven't seen Samantha and it was my fault entirely

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Three months—three fucking months that I haven't seen Samantha and it was my fault entirely.

The day we came back from the island I got a call from my mother. Suffice to say, I got an earful. Austen might not have gotten to Samantha but she sure did get into my mother's head.

'Don't try my patience, Penny. I don't want you to see that woman again.'

My mother towered over me as I sat on a swivel chair in her office. She made me run here just to tell me off.

'I'm a grown woman. I can very well be with anyone I want.'

It's Samantha that I want.

'Anyone yes! But I don't want you with your cousin's ex-girlfriend!'

The room shook with her voice as she screamed at me. Why do I have to go with what she wants?

'Her name is Samantha. Beautiful, caring, strong and dedicated. You're selling her short by defining her as just my cousin's ex-girlfriend.'

I did my best to remain calm. Going against her and matching her temper would only be detrimental to my case.

'Blind! You forgot to say she was blind. The world isn't short on pretty ladies, Penny! Just not someone like her.'

How could she define Samantha's condition like that?

'Someone like her?'

The world could offer pretty ladies but there will be no one like her for me.

'I don't know whatever it is between you and Austen but she is still family. You can't choose that woman over her.'

I didn't start the beef nor did I stoke the fire to cook it.

'Don't throw that bull about family, Mrs. Hendersen when not even once have you met with them over the years!'

There was no need to choose.


She didn't even look back when she left and remarried. Lecturing about family?

'There's more to it than that! You and I know it.'

The veins in her temple were visible. She was beyond livid now. Turning away from me, her rigid posture further let me know that I have struck a nerve.

'If you don't stop seeing her, I'm scrapping the project she's been working on. I'll even terminate the contract for the headquarters.'

That's crazy!

'She is great at what she does. You will see that at her presentation tomorrow.'

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