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3rd person
can't believe there's only three more episodes

Adalynn was still slightly broken as she leaned on Veronica in the lounge as Archie and Betty spoke to her.

"Veronica there's something we need to tell you about" Betty sighed.

"Bring it. After the morning i've had i'm just about ready for anything" she said as she sat her coffee down and rubbed Adalynns arm softly.

"Okay well Archie was with the Blossoms while there bowed was in town and he-" Betty began but noticed Adalynn burry her head deeper into Veronica's shoulder.

"Why don't you tell her? You where there" Betty said to Archie who sat next to her not wanting to upset her sister or her best friend.

"I over heard Mr.Blossom say he was the one responsible for your Dad being in jail" Archie said blankly which now made Adlaynn sit up.

"Excuse me?" Adalynn said now sitting up as if she didn't hear him correctly


Now at Lunch Adalynn had her head rested onto Kevin's arm as they all talked about how Jughead has never had a birthday and now they were gonna plan a party for him and how it could only be inner circle only and bla bla bla. All Adlaynn could think abut was how Cheryl betrayed her and how she truly missed her. She drowned her friends out until her eyes caught to a all to familiar face as her eyes widened.

"Adlaynn? What is it?" Veronica asked as she noticed the face she had. As Kevin glanced into the directing she was looking he gasped.

"Oh my god. Don't turn around" he said as he continued to stare like Addie had. Betty and Veronica turned to see non other than Chuck Clayton walking in as he tried not to make eye contact.

"Shouldn't have said anything kev" Adlaynn told her gay best friend as they all continued to watch him.

"Holy Chuck. I think his lacz got bigger" Kevin gasped which earned him a elbow to the side by Adalynn.

"No that I car because he evil" Kevin defended himself.

"What's Chuck Clayton doing back?" Archie asked casually as he looked at Adlaynn ever now to then to make sure she was alright.

"He was only suspended for a short amount of time like Reggie and the other guys where" Adalynn said as she continued to glare at the dark boy who walked toward Ethel. Betty now stood up and went over to Chucks table, as Adlaynn shot up trying yo stop her she didn't get to far when a hand generally grabbed her elbow. The brunette Coopers head snapped around to see Moose standing before her.

"Hey Ads. Can we talk?" he asked as she nodded and the two walked off into a empty class room.

"I heard what happened between you and Cheryl. And I just wanted to say i'm sorry for that. But also Midge and I had a argument and we split up. Which doesn't make your situation better but just a reminder that if you wanna talk the shit about breakups i'm your guys." he chuckled awkwardly as she gave him a off look but a bright smile.

"You are a angel Moose Mason and I Adlaynn Cooper have no idea what on earth I would do without you" Adlaynn grinned as she wrapped her arms around the much talker boy as he bent down gently to hug her back


Now at Vixen practice Cheryl counted the girls steps as they continued to practice. Yes Adlaynn still continued these even after hers and Cheryl's break up. Veronica now walked in already fired up due to her knowing Clifford had something to do with her father's arrest.

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