Chapter 67 - The Island

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"Okay pick one of these houses for you, Jason, and your kid to live in" Johnson told me as he showed me his computer and slid it over to me.

"So this island is very private?" I asked him. He nodded and I started to look at the four houses picked out. I think they picked their house already.

The plan is to move to this island to keep Jason hidden then in a few years we will go move to somewhere outside of the US. Maybe a part of Canada where there isn't many people, but somewhere with a school system. I want my child to go to school like any normal kid. If we stay on the island then he won't be able to go to school. We want him to live normal and we are going to try our hardest to make sure that happens.

I just hope Jason can get out. I really hope this all works. Hopefully this is the way out of this hell hole of a mess.


"Johnson said the baby kicked" Jason said excitedly as I walked into the room. I laughed and put my finger to my mouth telling him to be quiet.

"Don't be so loud babe" I said as I walked more into the room. Jason rushed over to me and put his hands on my stomach. "He's not kicking right now" I told him.

"When will he?" He asked making me laugh again.

"Jason I don't know. It's random" I grabbed his hands softly and smiled up at him. "Are you ready to come home?" I asked quietly. He smirked.

"Of course I am" he answered me. He let go of my hands and cupped my face now smiling down at me. "I can't wait to wake up to your face everyday again. I'll be there before you know it. I promise you, Angel"

"You're going to love the house" I told him. He chuckled.

"I'm sure I will" he said back. He pressed his lips against mine. We both smiled through the kiss. Tonight is the night I leave for the island. They are breaking Jason out in a few days or next week depending on how things are around here in two days. It's been about two weeks since we bought the house. It's officially ours. I can't wait to raise this child with Jason. We'll be a family. This is all I ever wanted.


I paced back and forth in my new living room. This house is beautiful, I think Jason will like it. Let's just hope they got him out. It's been about five days since I got here. Each day I grew more anxious. Travis and Ryan have stayed with me since we got here so I'm not alone. Now today is the day Jason should be home.

I looked over at the clock to see they should be here soon. If Jason isn't with them I'm going to freak out. I heard a car door shut so I ran to the window and saw Johnson, Travis, Cameron, and Jason getting out of the car. He's here. I ran to the front door opening it wide.

Jason looked up and a smile came across his face as he saw me. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him tightly. He hugged me back and kissed the top of my head.

"I've never been so excited and happy" I said and I felt tears run down my faces. But it was tears of joy. He's out. He's free. I looked up at him and he instantly kissed me. A long passionate kiss. I missed this.

"I'm home Angel" he said excitingly. He pulled away and put his hands on my stomach before kissing it. "And now we're having a baby boy. Oh my god" he said then put his hands on his head. "You're pregnant" He said then pulled me into a hug. I laughed as I looked up at him hugging back.

"I'm pregnant. You're free. We're far away from everything" He nodded then pulled away again.

"Let's look at our new house, Angel" he said grabbing me hand. Our smiles never left our faces. "I love you"

"I love you too Jason"

And that's the end!!!

It's a little shitty and I'm very sorry. I lost inspiration and all thoughts for this book. It was of course my favorite book to write and I love it with all my heart. I wish I was able to write a better ending for you guys, but this was the best I can do, truly.

I appreciate all of you who read this book and loved it as much as I did. All your votes and comments mean so much to me.

Thank you and I love you all.

Fell For The Criminal : Sequel to Don't Fall For The Criminal Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now