Chapter 32 - Day 1

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I've been at the gangs house most of the day. I never left after me finding the girl in the basement because Jason and the gang had to plan shit and I really wasn't planning on going home to be alone again.

They've been planning something, but I'm not sure what it is. I'm really not paying much attention to it. I hope it's not about the girl. I feel so bad for her.

"Wait!" Hunter said suddenly making me jump in my seat. I looked up at him while everyone's attention went to him. "Mackenzie could help us" he said in all seriousness. I looked at them confused. Did he just say my name? No way will I help them.

"No. No she's not part of this" Jason said getting mad.

"McCann every time she's helped us it worked out for us perfectly" Hunter said back. He does have a point. I'm pretty good at helping them.

"Yes, but it was never with any outside of the gang and this is Sam we are dealing with" Jason said.

"How would she help though?" Kade asked confused. Good question. How?

"she would 'run into' Sam" he made quotation marks with his fingers as he said run into. "Act like she's into him and get the information from him" Hunter told us.

"I don't want another guy all over her. Are you stupid?" Jason snapped at him. Another good point. I don't want to be all over another guy. But I could really help them.

"Like I could take his phone" I stepped in. They all looked at me. Some of them had devious smiles on their faces.

"You in?" Travis asked. I nodded.

"Mackenzie no" Jason said to me. I sighed.

"It's not like I'm going to kiss him or anything. If there's a food place or coffee place he always goes to then I'll go in introduce myself saying I'm new to the town or something and ask if he wants to sit down for coffee. I'm sure I could some how get his phone if I see where he puts it, I could ask him to get us napkins, then grab it. Then say I have to go" I explained to him. He sighed and looked away.

"See this is why we need her" Hunter said. I smiled.

"If it makes you feel better McCann we can get her a wig and contacts. I know Sam is good with remembering what people look like" Johnson offered. They all looked at me except Jason.

"I'm in" I said smiling. They smiled. Jason faced me.

"You better be careful" he warned me.

"I got this" I told him.

"So who wants to pick out the wig with me?" I ask. I can't wait.

"We can get the wig today and go to Sams town tomorrow and do this. I know a coffee shop he goes to every morning" Johnson said. This will be exciting yet so risky.


"I really don't want you doing this" I heard Jason say from the bedroom.

"Babe I'll be okay. It's a coffee shop. What's the worst that will happen?" I ask as I finished washing my hands. I didn't hear a response back.

Right now we are getting ready to go to bed and Jason is having serious doubts about me helping them tomorrow. But I think everything will be fine. Nothing can happen. We'll be in public and they will be close by if anything were to happen. I still didn't hear a response from him so I went to the door and saw him sit on the bed.

"Jason we'll be in public and you guys will be close by if anything were to happen" I told him. He sighed and looked up at me.

"I know" he said quietly. I shut off the bathroom light and sat down next to him. I put my hand on his back.

Fell For The Criminal : Sequel to Don't Fall For The Criminal Jason McCannWhere stories live. Discover now