Chapter 65 - You Have Us

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"How far along am I?" I asked.

"A little over a month" she said. Wow. I nodded.

"Thank you" I said then walked out. I wiped my tears even though they kept coming. I felt my phone vibrate making me stop and grab my phone.

Ryan: Gigi is here
Ryan: can I tell her?

Me: yes as long as Jason doesn't hear

I put my phone away. When did she get here? I started walking faster to the room. I ran in and saw her stand up.

"Oh my god"

"Mac" she said hugging me tightly. I started sobbing again into her shoulder. I've been crying so much that I feel like soon I'm just going to stop crying and never cry again. She pulled away a little and looked at my tearful face. "It's okay. You're going to be okay" She said and moved my hair out of my face. I nodded. My eyes traveled to Jason as I saw him get out of bed and walk into the bathroom. "You have us" she told me and I nodded again. We all jumped a little as we heard glass break in the bathroom. Oh no Jason. Justin and Ryan ran in there as fast as they can.

"What's going on?" I asked confused as I started walking over to the bathroom. I saw the mirror shattered and Justin holding Jason by his arms against the wall.

"You can't do this shit Jason! Get out of this! It's been two weeks! I need my brother back! The gang needs its leader back! God damn it Mackenzie needs her fucking husband back! We're all tearing apart Jase! Snap the fuck out of it!" Justin yelled in Jason's face. Justin's voice was cracking like he was crying. Ryan kept pulling on Justin.

"Come on bro don't do this. It's going to be alright" Ryan kept saying to Justin. Justin pulled back letting Jason go. Justin ran out of the room. Ryan grabbed Jason's arm and walked him back to his bed.

I saw Jason's hand all bloody. I remember they already kept a first aid kit in the bathroom. I ran and got it and quickly walked back to Jason. I grabbed his hand and he let me. I started to clean his hand. I felt his eyes on me as I did this.

"Ry can you go calm down Justin while I do this?" I asked him. I heard him agree then walk out.

"So if he's in here, he's not going to jail?" I heard Gigi ask. I shook my head.

"Nope. They said he can stay in here"

"What about when he gets back to normal?"

"Then he can come home. But he needs to have watch near him when he goes out. He has to do other things like therapy and a curfew. He's not going to like that" I explained to her. I wanted to laugh at the thought of Jason complaining about the watch later on, but it's so hard to even laugh or smile.

"How are you feeling?" I heard her ask. I shrugged.

"Shitty" I said sighing.

"Are you sleeping at all?"

"I did last night" I told her. I slept three hours only.

"but besides that"

"No" I said honestly.

"Where are you sleeping tonight?" She asked.

"Here probably. I don't want to leave tonight" I answered.

"I can go get one of your pillows for you later" she told me.

"Thank you" I said quietly. I finished Jason's hand and went to move but he grabbed my wrist. I looked at my wrist confused then at him. He link his fingers with mine then started to watch the show on tv again. I looked at Gigi with my eyes widened.

He's holding my hand. This is the most he's done with me within his weeks of being here. And I couldn't hug him or even touch him when they put him in jail for the trials which was three weeks long. So a month. I love him so much it hurts me. I just want him to be better.

I saw the door open to see Justin and Ryan walk back in. They looked at me and Jason confused. I shrugged at them and they sat down. I looked over at Jason who was already staring at me.

"Let me sit with you" I said quietly to him. He didn't say a thing, but he moved over getting me space to sit. The bed isn't big, but we obviously can make it work. I let go of his hand so I can climb onto the bed. I got comfortable and grabbed his hand again. I'm glad he let me.

I looked over at everyone else. They all just smiled to see that this was a step. I looked over at Jason who's staring at the tv. I stared at our hands intertwined then leaned my head on his shoulder. This makes me happy. At least it's something.

But little does he know, I'm pregnant.

Fell For The Criminal : Sequel to Don't Fall For The Criminal Jason McCannΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα