Chapter 17 - Catching Up

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It's the second day here and we are all on the beach just sitting in a circle tanning, talking, and just joking around. We've all been catching up on what we missed.

It made me realize how much I missed them. I love just being with them and joking around like we used to.

"So how's being a married women?" Becca asked me and I smiled. I looked down smiling and shaking my head thinking about me and Jason. They all 'awe'd. Well not the guys of course.

"It's great. I love it. I love Jason" I told them. They all smiled well besides the guys.

"They're better than how they were in high school" Travis told him.  I nodded agreeing.

"That's true" Hunter agrees.

"Yeah. I mean he's a handful like always, but I don't know what I'd do without him" I said smiling. I wish Jason was here. I love this moment here with them, but if Jason was here I'd love it more than I do already.

"He sure is a handful" Hunter said quietly to himself. We all laughed and I threw my flip flop at him. "Ow!" He threw my flip flop back at me. "You know it's the truth!" He said and laughed. I rolled my eyes and laughed too.

"So what about you guys? Any boys?" I ask the girls. I saw Becca start to smile.

"I've been with a guy for almost two years now" she told me. My eyes widened and I smiled.

"Oh my god that's amazing. Why isn't he here?" I ask Becca.

"He's with family right now. I wish he would have came" she said and blushed.

"I'm happy for you" I said excitingly. "What about you Liss? Gigi?" I ask the other girls. They both shrugged.

"I'm kind of with this one guy. But it's not official" Alissa told me.

"How long has it been?"

"To be honest, I don't know" she told us and we giggled a little. Common Liss. "I miss when we were all in high school" she said pouting. I sighed. I miss it so much.

"We have so many wild memories" Gigi said and we all agreed and laughed thinking about all the memories we have.

"Mack have you talked to anyone back home besides us?" Becca asked. I shook my head.

"Just my parents once and a while" I told them.

"No one back home is worth it anyway" Gigi said trying to lighten up the fact I can't talk to anyone back home. I smiled and giggled.

"Guys this is going to be a fun trip" I said smiling wider.

"What's the plans for the week?" Hunter asked.

"Okay so tomorrow we're going to stay on beach for a little then go to a boardwalk close by. It has a lot there so I think that's a good idea. Then Wednesday, we are going to rent bikes and just go where ever on the island. And then on Thursday we can just chill on the beach again. Then Friday, we are getting two jeeps and going to this mountain where there's a huge water fall and little pond type of thing. It's really pretty. But for the rest of the week, I don't know" she explained it all to us.

Wow I can't wait. I'm so glad I came on this trip. I haven't really been on a vacation in forever.

"I'm so glad you guys told me about this trip. This trip is much needed and I'm happy it's with you guys" I said and they all smiled. I stood up and grabbed my bag. "I'm going to get something to drink so I'll be back" they all had their responses and I walked away to go to the little snack bar they have close by.

I kept thinking about the dream I had last night. It was so scary and so realistic. It was about me being in some ware house, but it was dark and the inside of the ware house was like it was very old and plants growing from the floor boards.

Some of the windows were broken letting some light in and every time you would take a big step the boards would creek. I felt like I was really there.

I remember hearing a board creek behind me and I turned around to see someone with their hood up and sunglasses on. I couldn't recognize the person, but I could tell it was obviously a man. I tried to move, but couldn't and they suddenly were standing in front of me not 10 feet away like they were before.

They pushed me up against a wall and hit me in the face. Then backed up just staring back at me. I felt like this person was looking right through me and for some reason I felt like I knew them.

I shut my eyes tight and hoped I would be safe. When I opened my eyes, I was standing where I was when I walked in. Also Jason was standing right next to me looking around. But when he looked over at me, his eyes were all black then I woke up.

It felt so real and it was terrifying. But I remember I had this dream once. It was one of the nights Jason went away for three days for some mission with Johnson. I didn't tell Jason because I didn't want to worry him since it was just a dream. I hope it meant nothing.

I know it was so short and I'm sorry :(( I just wanted something little about the beginning of the vacation!! But I hope you liked it anyway!!

But also so what do you think this dream means?!?!

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