"Your trust fund?" Reggie asked as he leaned backwards.

"Shut up Reginald" Adlaynn snapped at him. Neither of the two were on good terms after the play book and neither took it apone themself to make it write again. Sure Reggie missed having Adalynn around and there for him always but he knew deep down there was no point in asking for forgiveness because what he has done was to big for someone so perfect like Adalynn Harlow Lockwood to forgive him.

"My name Reggie, and after telling me no one would ever take it from me that is exact what she did" Veronica corrected him. Adalynn scooted closer to rest her head into the Lodge girl's lap due to her slight tiredness and for comfort. Veronica's hands went through Adalynn's hair softly.

"Like it went nothing. Like it was nothing. Like I was nothing" Veronica added in as she sighed. Adlaynn reached up and squeezed her hand softly. She took a drink of her beverage and leaned back.


Later on that night Adalynn was asleep on Veronica lap.

"How is she fast asleep with all this nosy?" Kevin asked as he glanced down at the girl that was asleep on Veronica soft thighs.

"Our girls been under so much prey lately Kev i'm sure she didn't get much sleep these last few nights. With people assuming she killed her parents , living with the Coopers, Polly slash Jason drama, and on top of all that she's trying to keep s healthy relationships with Cheryl even when there on opposite sides" Veronica sighed as she looked down at the sleeping girl.

"And what I did to her probably didn't help anything. I should have never done that" Reggie sighed as she downed his shot.

"Then why did you?" Josie sassed knowing how upset Adalynn was.

"I liked her. Everyone liked Adalynn even if there in relationships, close friends, anything no one can deny that Adalynn is the most perfect thing in this world. And I don't know Chuck brought up how close I was with her and I just let it slip, for the ego boost I guess. Cheryl and Archie totally beat the hell out of me before it which I deserved. But then once I got back from my suspension Moose came at me and I just sat there and let him hit me, I knew I deserved it. Someone as pure and kind hearted as Adalynn never could deserve what I did" Reggie sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Then just talk to her about it Reggie. Don't let years of friendship be ruined by this. You know how forgiving Adalynn is, just be sincere. And don't be mad at Moose or Archie or even Cheryl herself. They were just trying to protect her" Veronica said with a small grin. He nodded before the bar tender came up to them.

"I'm sorry Ms. Veronica your card was declined" he said awkwardly as he sat in back on the table.

"Seriously? Let me guess it was reported stolen?" she scoffed. Adalynn now sat up slowly as she felt the vibration of Ronnie's voice.

"It was. We are instructed to call the police" he said.

"Yeah sure call the cops. We'll be happy to tell them how old we are" Reggie said sarcastically as Adalynn rubbed her eyes.

"Or I can call my mom, the mayor" Josie sassed.

"Or of course we could do this the hard way and I can call my girlfriend and her family who happens to be the Blossoms. I'm sure they'd love to get us out of this bind. And I can call my mom who is the head writer for the Riverdale newspaper, she'd be all over how you let us in here under age" Adalynn rolled her eyes as she raised a eyebrow at the man.

"This should cover it" Veronica said as she handed the guy a cheek. He sighed before walking off with it leaving Josie to laugh and high five Addie.

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