Stories In My Drafts

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This is a list of works that I have not published. Please comment if you want to see them become realities or if you would like me to message you for help writing them, because I can ALWAYS use someone to run iffy paragraphs and plot points by! Especially with these stories as they need a lot of work. I will be writing the (current) title, then the probability of me writing it (though your opinions may change this drastically), then the summary.

Very likely
Very unlikely
Nope (you can adopt these ones as long as you tell me first!)

Who is He (unlikely)

This one is a Gravity Falls fanfic! It's an AU where Stan goes through the portal to find Ford and they have to team up to do...something. I haven't figured it out yet. Ford doubts Stan is from the same dimension as him but he wants to go home anyways because he is sure if he stays he'll die. Basically Blind Faith but not Blind Faith. Would you be interested? Should I start working on it? Also if you want me to make it please save me from this horrid title and give me some ideas!

Home By The Sea (unlikely)

It's not a fanfic but it's not original's based on a song with the same name. It's about a robber who breaks into a house and gets trapped there by ghosts. They tell him their life stories, and eventually trap him inside the house too. It would probably be sad and nothing else.

Wingspan (likely)

An infinite eyerolls/wirtrice soulmate au! Everyone is born with a tattoo of the first words their soulmate says to them. Beatrice knows Wirt is her soulmate but for a reason I haven't figured out yet he doesn't know or he doesn't want to be with her. So he goes up and reads Sara's words. I need to sort this one out and I need to make a better cover, if it ever happens.

To The Past (possible)

Another GF fic that needs a title rework. Ford goes back in time to fix his life mistakes and idk he messes something up, causing Stan to be orphaned so he has to take care of him.

Reverse Heathers (nope)

Like Reverse Falls but with Heathers. Not gonna do it bc for me the only good thing about Heathers is the songs and it wouldn't have those so. I don't like writing deaths or intimate romance so I'm not gonna do it! I might do one shots for it but that's it.

Lancelot Of The Lookalike Set (nope)

Modern Hamilton AU in which Jefferson and Laff pull a non biological twin swap. Like the last one...Not gonna happen. If you want to adopt either of them go ahead! Just tell me first!

The Fallen Garden Wall (very unlikely)

A continuation of OTGW. The pond overflows and things from the unknown start appearing again. Maybe some beast Wirt and infinite eyerolls. It's sounding better now that I write this down...

The Miraculous Mafia (unlikely)

It will most likely be a one shot or one shot series rather than a full thing. Mafia AU of Miraculous (I don't even like that show XD)
Hawkmoth meets with people across Paris and gets them to rant to him, he offers them drinks which contain a poison called AKUMA that causes them to lose control. MIRACULOUS is an organization that works defeating akumatized citizens. Mainly it's two most esteemed members Ladybug and Chat Noir. I'm still figuring out if they would have powers or not. If they do they'd probably be greatly reduced.

Stranger Falls (unlikely)

I wanted to read some Stranger Falls stuff and I couldn't find any! It drove me to want to make some! The GF and ST plot lines are very complex though and it might be hard to do. I'd have to rewatch Stranger Things. Dipcifica.

As I said: please tell me if you want any of these to become realities. As long as they're not labeled 'nope' I would try to write it if you showed interest!

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