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TITLE: Carpe Vitam*
- LOVE INTEREST(S): Harry Potter
- FACECLAIM(S): Hayley Law*
- STATUS: Available

― TITLE: Carpe Vitam* - TV SHOW/FILM FRANCHISE: Harry Potter- SEASON/MOVIE/AU: 𝐀𝐔 - LOVE INTEREST(S): Harry Potter- FACECLAIM(S): Hayley Law*- STATUS: Available

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Guinevere McKinnon

GUINEVERE MCKINNON WAS LUCKY to be alive. As a child, she'd watched every last one of her family killed mercilessly by death eaters and she'd only managed to escape because she happened to be out in the yard playing jump rope by herself. It was merely a stroke of luck that the death eaters didn't seem to notice that they was one more member of the McKinnon family that wasn't in the house. It had been that way for most of her life. Determined to live, she'd gone on the run and changed her name. She'd managed to survive over the years by crashing on strange beds and seeking refuge in orphanages until they kicked her out.

Guinevere has always been lucky. It was the way that she'd survived. Not by skill but by luck alone. She just so happened to always be out of trouble or to never get caught even when she nicked money off of unsuspecting people. Over the years, she'd learned to fend for herself, the title of the last McKinnon standing resting upon her shoulder. As far as she knew, she was one of two people to ever survive an attack from Voldemort, although everybody assumed that she was dead.

She was crashing on the couch of a girl that she'd been seeing when she was approached by Dumbledore himself. The man, with the white beard and strange demeanour had offered her a place in his school, revealing that he'd known about her for a while. He himself had kept track of her and had managed to help her out whenever she was in a tight situation. He had been, for the most part, her guarding angel and the real reason for her luck. While Guin appreciated his help, she refused the offer, sure that if she went to Hogwarts, it would soon become apparent to the Dark Lord himself that she was alive. And she could not risk that.

Years had passed since his visit and Guinevere had struggled to make ends meet. Taking up odd jobs and doing some rather sketchy things to make money but she was down on her luck lately and with the reappearance of You-Know-Who, it was difficult to get clothes or food to eat. Desperate, Guinevere devised a plan. She snuck into the ground of Hogwarts, using her magic to disguise herself as another student. After that, she'd managed to hide in different dorms making herself invisible to the other students and stealing food from the kitchen. It was difficult but she managed to make it work until the day that she found herself staring at the boy who lived himself.

Looks like her luck's run out.

― I've been debating taking this plot myself but I have such impossible standards for plots and no time to write it so it's going up. I had this idea when I read the first book. Hagrid told Harry that none of the major wizard family had managed to escape Voldemort and he mentioned the McKinnons so I came up with Guin.

She's stubborn, street smart and very independent. She was out playing when Voldemort raided her home and she'd only managed to escape because she was out and when she got back, she could see the Dark Mark over her house and she left before she could get caught. She'd gone by many different names and she's never really had a real family or identity.

So this should take place in the sixth book or fifth book. Guin manages to sneak into the school and hides out in the Gryffindor rooms and one day, when she thinks she's alone, Harry shows up and they make a deal. He hides her and brings her food and helps her.

The meaning of the title is "Seize Life" and it's a huge themes in this because they're both trying to stay alive, despite the odds stacked against them.

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