𝐩. 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧 ⎰war machine

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TITLE: War Machine*
- LOVE INTEREST(S): Phil Coulson
- FACECLAIM(S): Winona Ryder*
- STATUS: Available

― TITLE: War Machine* - TV SHOW/FILM FRANCHISE: Marvel- SEASON/MOVIE/AU: 𝐀𝐔 - LOVE INTEREST(S): Phil Coulson - FACECLAIM(S): Winona Ryder*- STATUS: Available

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Minerva Walters

WAR WAS A LANGUAGE embedded in her bones, a voice that whispered sweet nothings in her ear when her guard was down and she was defenceless. Named for the Roman counterpart of the war goddess, it seemed as though it was written in the stars for her to become a soldier, just like her father before her and his father. She was a child of war and she accepted that. Since she was a child, she'd known what she was meant to become, what was expected of her and she'd never strayed from that path.

She worked her hardest and become a machine with one thing only on her mind. When she was finally drafted into the army at the ripe age of twenty, Minerva was ready. She knew how to fight and protect herself. She knew death as well as she'd caused plenty of it and with each kill, she left a mark on her skin so that she'd never forget. She'd never lose track of what really mattered. She excelled in the army and quickly raised in the ranks. She earned herself the name; Chimera after the monster and she wore the name with pride.

It was the name that had attracted HYDRA as they realized that this woman was their answer from heaven. With her fearless mentality and her bravery, she was the perfect counterpart for a new experiment. They captured her and manipulated, toyed and messed with her brain as if she was clay to be mould as whatever they wished. She became ruthless, an unforgiving killer. Quickly, the marks on her skin become hundreds and she was losing there person that she was once.

Minerva fought plenty of battles for HYDRA under the influence of the creature that she was tied to. Her name soon became a whisper on the lips of many; a warning muttered to children as they went to bed. Beware the monster, they repeated. She spent years watching herself doing monstrous things, unable to control herself. They mutated her further, adding changes and improving on their creation but that was their downfall. They'd made her too powerful and soon, she ripped them apart starting with the creature in the dark abyss that haunted her nightmares.

She managed to escape, freeing herself from HYDRA for good but the person that she'd been was gone. The experience had broken something in her and she could hardly look at herself in the mirror. The rumours changed again as the years into her retirement ticked by. She was insane and demented and bound to snap at any moment. Minerva was often alone as she wasted in her apartment and some days the only person that she saw was the young new agent sent in from S.H.I.E.L.D to keep her company and check up on her.

Minerva was perfectly fine fading into the monotony of her days and eventually die a painful silent death - the kind that she deserved - until she felt it stirring once again. The very creature that she'd slaughtered, creeping into her dreams and haunting her nightmares, calling for her and waiting to drag her down. Except this time, Minerva wasn't sure that there was any use resisting.

― So I've been wanting to do a Coulson fic for a while because he was one of the first characters that I fell in love with. Can we just take a moment to appreciate a king?

But anyways I've decided I'm going to do one and when I get an idea, it stays with me. I don't think I'd be able to write this but I do want someone to. It's actually pretty self explanatory but the creature is a demogorgon like feature created by HYDRA and it thrives on chaos and death and it's connected to Minerva. It used to control her until she broke free and she thought she killed it but they brought it back and it wants her again.

So Coulson is sent by SHIELD to pretty much check up on her every once in a while and when she starts hearing it, everyone chalks it up to PTSD but he believes her and he's the once who believes her and they go find it together.

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