𝐬. 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 ⎰not a love story

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TITLE: Not A Love Story*
- LOVE INTEREST(S): Sharon Carter
- FACECLAIM(S): Stephanie Beatriz*
- STATUS: Available

― TITLE: Not A Love Story* - TV SHOW/FILM FRANCHISE: Marvel- SEASON/MOVIE/AU: 𝐀𝐔 - LOVE INTEREST(S): Sharon Carter- FACECLAIM(S): Stephanie Beatriz*- STATUS: Available

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Beck Garcia

IN A WORLD WHERE love was the only constant and each person had somebody else that they were destined to be with, Beck Garcia was the happy exception. Her job as a detective was helping locate their own soulmates and bringing a happy ending to people's lives but Beck had seen what love did to people. Love was not kind or patient or beautiful. Love was ruthless; it didn't discriminate, it simply took. Beck had seen lives destroyed and families torn apart under the notion of love and no siree, Beck wanted no part of it.

Beck was perfectly content with loving her semi-mediocre life and helping people find their soulmates. If they truly wanted to ruin their lives, then who was she to stop them? But she kept her numbers covered with makeup and did her best to make the most of what she had. As far as Beck was concerned, love was just a lie being sold to them in a pretty package.

She'd never met anybody who even made her consider allowing herself to get close to someone until she met Sharon Carter. The mysterious woman who seemed reluctant to use her services. The woman with the smile that made her heart skip and the woman who made Beck want to simply hug her and protect her from the cruel world. Beck had never been one for love but if she were to wake up one day and give it a chance, it would be Sharon Carter that she chose to spend her life with.

― This is a Soulmate AU. Pretty much, each person had a soulmate and not everybody wants to have a soulmate. You can get creative with the markings but hides hers. And she is a detective that helps people find their soulmates based on their markings.

Sharon is really skeptic and if it was up to her, she would just wait for her soulmate to show up but her friend convinces her to see Beck. So, Beck and Sharon are not soulmates and it hurts Beck to get closer to her when she knows that they can't be together. But they are in the end and it's not easy because non-soulmate couples are discriminated against and they find it hard to do a lot to things but they make it work. Don't just make this the cliche AU. There are defects with this system. Refer to the picture under because it can make a story just so much more interesting and realistic.

 Refer to the picture under because it can make a story just so much more interesting and realistic

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