𝐟. 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐨𝐧 ⎰seeing red

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TITLE: Seeing Red*
LOVE INTEREST(S): Flash Thompson
FACECLAIM(S): Bianca Santos
STATUS: Available

― TITLE: Seeing Red* — TV SHOW/FILM FRANCHISE: Marvel— SEASON/MOVIE/AU: 𝐀𝐔 — LOVE INTEREST(S): Flash Thompson — FACECLAIM(S): Bianca Santos— STATUS: Available

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Abigail Valdez

ABIGAIL VALDEZ IS ANGRY. Most of her time is spent completing every school project to the best of her ability and doing every extra assignment for extra credit so that she can get a scholarship into a decent college. Her stepfather refuses to pay for an education past high school because he claims that real women aren't found in a university but in the kitchen. As a result, Abby has not time for anything extra. Parties or even friends, really. Her life is stuck in a never ending loop of reading and tests and she's constantly angry. She's forced to play the role of the perfect daughter, perfect student even though she knows that she's anything but.

Flash Thompson is angry. He has been ever since he watched his father get carted off to jail for physical abuse. He's free now and she should be happy about it but all that he feels is anger. He's angry at his mother who refuses to talk about it and is all about moving forward, at his friends who are completely unsure how to act around him now and at every single damned student in Midtown High. Instead of showing how angry and confused he is all the time, Flash puts up a facade. A loud, rude hot-headed facade that nobody dares to go through.

When both these individuals are forced to go to therapy sessions, their meeting is anything but pleasant. Insults and rude gestures are traded. The mere existence of Flash Thompson and his impossible attitude aggravates Abby to no ends but Flash isn't sure what to think. Abigail is the one person in a long time that doesn't walk on eggshells around him. And although Noah would never admit to her, there's something about her blunt and brash presence that intrigues him. And somehow, between therapy sessions, wilting plants and loud rides home, the two find a dynamic that turns everything that they know on its head. Hello, shit; meet fan.

― I originally wrote this as an original story because I wanted to put a spin on the bad boy cliche but this actually really works for Flash. Abby is forced to be an excellent student and excellent daughter because her stepfather thinks that a woman's place is not in school because he had a really sexist and old-fashioned mindset but Abby is really ambitious and she's always wanted to be a lawyer so she thinks that if she works hard enough, she can get a scholarship.

This version is Flash is based off the comics, at least his backstory is. He's been physically abused and I'm not sure if this happens in the comics but his mother finally stand up to him and gets him arrested and this takes place after that The wilting plants are supposed to be therapy. They are supposed to plant seeds and it's supposed to teach them patience.

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