''Ally, you've become slimmer than me,'' she pouted, ''but seriously though, you look so pretty now. I'm glad we're together again.''

I was too and all my previous insecurities were fading away. The reception was warmer than expected and everyone was acting nice about it.

Henry and Daniel helped us with my luggage; there were two large suitcases and a duffel bag. I had wanted to bring all my books with me, the collection was huge and it was impossible to do so. Dad had promised me he would ship them in few days but I couldn't help but feel insecure. Dad wasn't good with remembering stuff.

''Mom, you need to tell dad we're here.'' I informed her. She nodded and took out her phone.

''I'll be back.'' She walked back to the garden and all of us went inside. I fell in step with Daniel who smiled at me again, seeking the opportunity I asked the question which was bugging me the most and kept my tune as casual as possible.

''Hey, I don't see Dale, has he become a delinquent and sent off to military school?'' I asked, taking a good look around. He wasn't anywhere in sight and Dale wasn't the sort of person to hide in his bedroom when people came.

''You assume too much, but I wish it was true. I'm more likely to be sent to military school. Dale is away for summer camp, he'll be back in afternoon.'' I nodded and we entered the house together.

This house belonged to my grandparents from mom's side and I had lived there for ten years of my life. I had been anticipating this moment and when it was finally there I couldn't help but feel nostalgic. The outside was painted white though there were grey bricks around the windows arch and the roof.

The house had changed a lot, mom had replaced almost every piece of furniture and the white walls were now painted with shades of pale yellow and caramel, she had removed our family pictures from the window wall and put up weird abstracts paintings there. The faces with abnormal features and more than two eyes definitely pointed at Picasso. The curtains were no longer bright; they matched the colors of the wall. The couches in the lounge were the same though; just a love seat was added. Mom had decorated the house with lamps, fragile glass, wooden art crafts and clocks - there were lots of clocks, I counted four in the hall.

There was a piano that sat on one side, as shiny as it looked I knew that neither mom nor I had any musical talent; I wasn't sure why she wasted money on it. The rest I didn't had energy to explore yet so decided to take my time once I was fresh enough.

''It's nice isn't it?'' She came back and asked, looking pleased with the shape of the house,

''Yeah, I like it,'' and I did with all honesty, feeling glad that she had removed those old photographs, ''but do you still have the library?''

The library was actually the basement of the house, when I was young it used to be my favorite spot. Reading had been the only common thing between two of us. The basement was filled with book shelves, completely lining the walls and comfortable sitting chairs with a fireplace and music system.

''Of course I have it! How can I change that, it was your favorite place in the house.'' I was touched that she still cared about me. I beamed and felt glad that it was still intact. Dad's condo in New York had no such place, there was a small room where I had crammed all my books but it wasn't the same. He wasn't much into reading and called it a difficult hobby with a great part of your mind to invest.

''Ally, Daniel and Carmen will help you get your stuff upstairs. I'll make some tea, do you wanna sleep?'' Henry and Grace sat on the couch and mom asked me while Carmen and Daniel began to trudge upstairs with each of my suitcase. I grabbed my duffel bag and followed them,

Snow White and Seven Devils (rewrite)  ✅Where stories live. Discover now