Game Over

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Bakugo and Kirishima defeated all the villains that were in the collapsed zone. They were sweating and panting after dealing with all of them.

"That's all of them. Buncha mooks."

Kirishima wiped the sweat off his face and yelled, "Great! Now let's hurry and help the others! If we're here, I bet everyone else is also still in USJ! I'm worried about the guys who don't really have ways to attack! Thirteen-sensei's hands were probably full after we rushed ahead like that." While he was talking to Bakugo, they didn't notice that there was one last villain standing. He was creeping up the ceiling, waiting to ambush them. "None of this would have happened if we'd let her suck in that mist man. And Ms. Kyrielight would've landed a hit on him if we hadn't gotten in her way.

As men, we've gotta take responsibility."

"If that's what you want, then go alone. I'm gonna beat that warp gate guy to a pulp!" Bakugo declared.

"Huh?! Still pulling immature crap at a time like this? Besides, normal attacks don't work on him..."

"Shut up!" He yelled. "He's how these punks are getting around. Bring him down, and they'll have nowhere to run! And it's not like I don't have a way to beat him!"

'Yes. Keep chatting. Let your guard down...' The villain quietly sneaked up on Bakugo and was about to stab him, but he quickly took him down with an explosion.

"I mean... if they're all sending against us are idiots. We should be fine." He cooly said.

Kirishima was amazed at how great his reflexes are. His classmate's calm demeanor during all of this was almost unnerving to him. Maybe it has something to do with the sludge incident. So he says it out loud. "You sure are calm all of a sudden..."

"I'm always calm, you damned broom-head!!"

"Ah, there it is."

"I'm outta here." Bakugo said, clicking his gauntlet back in place.

"Hold up. You've gotta trust your pals! You've convinced me, Bakugo!" The redhead smirked and punched his hardened fist together.

Iida zooms toward the door, but half of Kurogiri's mist breaks free from Shoji's arms and is now chasing after him. "How impertinent! I won't allow you to leave!"

Uraraka starts dashing up to him. Mina cries out her name, asking, "What're you gonna do, Uraraka?!"

"There!! See it?!" The brown-haired girl spots the metal neck plates that the warp villain was wearing. She remembers Mash aiming her shield at it, so she reaches the conclusion that it must be his weak spot.

'The automatic doors! Can I kick them down?! Or are they too thick for that?!' As Iida evaluated his options for what to do, Kurogiri caught up to him.

"You underestimate me, four-eyes! Now vanish!!"

Iida instinctively closes his eyes in fear of getting warped to some place random in the facility, but opens them up and looks back when nothing happened to him. He saw Uraraka grab a hold of his neck plate.

"I'm not sure why, but if you're wearing this thing, then you must have a real body in there!!" She makes him float using her gravity. "NOW GO, IIDA!!"

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