Encounter with the Unkown

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"Villains?! No way!!"

"What villains'd be dumb enough to sneak into a school for heroes?"

"Sensei. Aren't there intruder sensors?" Yaoyorozu asked, her nervousness clearly written on her face.

"Yes, of course there are...!" Thirteen responded.

"Are they only here, or also at the main building? Either way, if the sensors aren't working, it has to be one of their quirks that's doing it. This place is far from the campus. And they picked a time when there would be few people here. So maybe they're not as dumb as they seem. They must have an objective.

Because this is a well-coordinated sneak attack." Todoroki assessed the current situation.

Aizawa began issuing orders. "Thirteen! (Y/n)! Begin the evacuation and try calling the school! One of these villains must be jamming the sensors. There's a good chance one of their electric types is causing the interference. Kaminari. Try using your quirk to signal for help."

"Got it!"

"But sensei, you can't fight them all alone! Against that many, even you can't nullify all their quirks!! As Eraserhead, your fighting style involves erasure and a quick binding capture. Head-on battle isn't..."

Izuku rambled on until his teacher looked back at him and said, "No good hero is a one-trick pony."

"Mash! Take care of them!"

"Right!" The Shielder nodded.

The villains saw Aizawa leap off the stairs and got ready to attack. "Ranged squad. Let's move."

"Our intel said it was supposed to be Thirteen and All Might!! So who's this?!" A female villain smirked.

"Dunno! But he's coming at us all alone."

"A dead fool, then!!" The two men from the ranged squad tried to shoot at them, but soon found out that their quirks weren't working. "Huh? I can't shoot!" That is when Aizawa wrapped his binding cloth around them and yanked them up. Their heads collided, knocking them out cold.

"You dumbasses!! He can cancel out your quirks just by looking at ya. That's Eraserhead!!"

A villain with four arms cockily steps up saying, "He cancels quirks?! Let's see if that trick works against us mutant types!!"

He's out cold after one punch to the face. "No, it doesn't. Only in the case of emitter and transformative types. However." He wraps his cloth around his leg.

He leans back, avoiding a punch from another villain. "Statistically, guys like you tend to shine in close-quarters combat." He yanks his arm back, sending the mutant-type villain crashing into other villains. "Which is why I've got countermeasures for you."

"He's good at hand-to-hand... and those goggles hide his eyes, so we don't know whose quirk he's canceling. Even a whole mob of us isn't slowing him down... I see. I hate pro-heroes. Ordinary villains don't stand a chance against them." The shaggy-haired man scratched his neck.

"Wow! He can hold his own even when outnumbered." Izuku said, watching his teacher fight.

"This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and evacuate!!" Iida shouted at him.

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