Section 7: Letter from Chaldea

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While, on break the alarm started to go off meaning that there's an emergency. I place my cup down and Mash appears on the comms.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your break, everyone! But we have an emergency!"

Fou jumps up, "fo!?"

Osakabehime also jumps up, but ends up spilling tea all over herself, "wh-wh-what happened!? Yeowch! I spilled my tea!"

"Several Cursed Books have destroyed the library's shutters from the outside! It looks like they broke right through the shutters' magecraft resistance! They're somewhere inside the underground library as we speak... and that's not all! I'm also getting emergency calls from Blackbeard and the Valkyries!"

"Yeah, we found one of those monster books! We tried to punch its lights out, but it gave us the slip!" Hildr yelled.

"It appears to have run off towards the back of the library. To be blunt, it got away from us." Ortlinde stated.

"I WISH it was just one or two books! I can't even count how many I saw!" Blackbeard shouted.

"The original must have continued to make more while we were inside the library... this is terrible..." Murasaki speculated.

"Well, actually... I found a single Cursed Book in the hall right before I finished my scan of the whole library. I was just about to tell you about it when the shutters were destroyed..." Mash states.

"You think that's the original?" Andersen asked her.

"It's very possible. I'm looking at the readings for all the Cursed Books that broke into the library. And they're all headed straight for the one that was hiding in the hall!"

I stood up from my chair, "That's where we saw Blackbeard, Jeanne, and Tristan, right?"

"Yes, that's right!" Murasaki answers for me.

"Please be careful, everyone!"

We ran out of the break room and to the hall where the book is with Caster leading us.

"Here! The hall is right up this way!"

"J-just a second! The Cursed Book signal is showing some strange activity!" Mash stuttered. We stop and looked at her for answers.

"Lady Mash?"

"All the individual Cursed Book signals seem to have coalesced into a single book... I can tell they've met up in the hall... but now they're headed to the space behind it! It looks like this is—"

Murasaki narrowed her eyes, "....the archive?"

"Let me pull up a map; it'll be faster." a map of the place comes up right in front of him, "yup. There's some kind of archive right behind the hall. So this is where these books are now?"

"This is reminds me of something. It feels like... I'm looking at a beehive, or an ant colony! These books are perfectly positioned to build a nest around their queen!" Mash explained.

"This whole incident started in the archive, right?" I questioned.

"Now I see. So this queen book roamed the base creating offspring of a sort, and now they're all coming back to the nest. Well that's easy to grasp. At any rate... this is also our best chance to take these things down for good. Master!" Andersen shouts, turning to me.

I nod at him, "Let's go get them!" He smirks back.

"Huh? What's going on?" Osakabehime cluelessly asked, looking at us.

"A battle! Master's already spotted them! Now get ready to fight, quickly!" He shouted.

"I'm seeing more magical energy... no, Cursed Book signals! A small group from the archive is headed your way!"

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