Section 3: My Fleeting Fate!

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"They say good wine makes good blood, but it can also be just as good at making bad blood. How many times have we heard of someone committing an egregious breach of etiquette while under the influence? I've heard mages have a way of neutralizing alcohol's effect... but I expect that only apples to the dangers of extreme overconsumption. Once they are intoxicated they are surely just as likely to loosen their lips a anyone else.... especially when speaking to ordinary bartenders like us. So, why don't we start bringing Alexander in here and seeing what we can learn from him? Though I would like to ask that you do the talking if you don't mind. I'll stick to the occasional interjection." Moriarty explains to me.

"Why's that?" I questioned.

He deeply sighs, "well, my young friend, once you reach a certain age, it becomes extremely difficult not to always appear shady, particularly in younger company..."

Agreeing to his plan I left the bar and went searching for Alexander. I found him at the entrance and invite him over to the bar. He looks at me confused.

"Alcohol? I'm not sure I understand. You want me to have a drink now, under these circumstances? Well, okay. They have a saying for this in China: 'you can't catch a tiger cub without going into a tiger's den.' In other words, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Those other two have been mages a lot longer than me. So if I want to get ahead. I've just got to leap in without fear." He then smiles, "besides, I'm sure you two have some useful info of your own."

And with that we head back to the bar. He sat down at the bar table while Moriarty whips up a drink for him. He pours the drink into a cup and hands to him.

"Here you go."

Alexander stares intently at drink no doubt checking for poison or any dangerous items found inside. Then, he gazes at him smiling.

"So what do you call this?"

"That is a dry martini, the king of cocktails. Seeing how you have an air of royalty about you, I thought it would be fitting." Moriarty explained.

"Huh, never heard of it." He takes a sip, "hey, that's pretty good..."

Feeling a little concerned I ask him, "it's okay for you to drink, right?"

"You're saying I look underage? Don't worry, I'm not. I'm just doing what I can to keep the ravages of time at bay. Though of course, I don't expect any other mages would take it easy on me just 'cause I look like a kid." Alexander calmly said.

"Do you think you've got a good shot at the auction?"

"That's what I came here to find out. Can I get another of these?"

While Moriarty was getting a dry martini for Alexander he leaned down and whispers to me, "use the information I gave you earlier, Master."

Moriarty hands him his drink and I start asking, "well, Yan Qing's organization is..."

He drinks, " I see. So all three groups are dancing on a razor's edge. Well damn, now what do I do. I originally contacted Diarmuid's group because I heard they were the biggest player here... but if they're closely tied to the city, that's reall gonna hold me back. Not to mention that between the three of us mages, my family's got the shortest history."

"Is there a problem with that?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Mages are all about passing power down through generations. My family's only been at it for three hundred years. But those two have families that go back five hundred and seven hundred years. That said, my magecraft is pretty well-suited to combat, so that could tip the scales in my favor." He answers.

Fate (Boku No Hero Academia x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt