From Todoroki to Iida

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"Another one, huh?"

"Midoriya. Learn how to write... more specific directions. I was almost late." Todoroki stated.

"Todoroki, you too?" Iida asked.

"But how'd you...? And... your left...!" Izuku fumbled.

"Took me a few seconds to figure it out. That group text to everyone with nothing but your location. Because sending out a totally meaningless message... isn't your style." He stomped his foot and ice came out from the bottom aiming towards Stain, but he jumps over it. "I realized it meant, "I'm in trouble. Help!" The ice that me, Izuku, and Native are starting to take shape.

"Don't worry. In just a few more minutes...!! The pros'll be here." He then attacks him with his fire, but he maneuvers over that too.

"Eeep!" I shrieked.



"Wha! Gah!" We landed next to him.

"It's just like the reports said. But you're not killing these guys today, Hero Killer." Stain looked at him silent.

"Todoroki, be careful! If he ingests your blood you'll become paralyzed! That's his quirk!" I yell at him.

"Explains all the blades. So I've gotta keep my distance..."

My eyes widen as I saw speedily went past Todoroki, scratching his cheek. 'His speed is incredible!'

Stain runs up to him, "you've got some good friends... Ingenium!" And swung his blade at him. But thankfully, he blocks it with a large pillar of ice. He glances up and Todoroki does the same seeing a katana in mid-air. He then gets close to his face with his tongue out about to lick his scratch.

"Todoroki!" I worriedly cried out. He sends his fire toward him and the Hero Killer leaps back.

"Close one." The ice that he was sending at him kept getting slashed.

'He's strong! It's going to take more than one person to apprehend him. Damn it! If only I could move my body!' I thought. I tried to at least move my fingers, but I wasn't able to due to his quirk.

"Why...? Both of you guys... just stop it... I've inherited my brother's name. I have to do this. He's mine to..." Iida deeply  said.

"Are you serious!? Look—!!" As I was about to tell him off, I get cut off by Todoroki.

"Inherited his name? That's weird..." as Stain is heading towards him, he summons chalks of ice to stop him. "Cuz the Ingenium I know never made faces like that. Guess your family's also got a dark side." However, the ice gets immediately sliced up.

"Obstructing your own vision when up against an opponent faster than yourself... poor strategy, indeed."

"We'll see about that!" Before he could attack with his fire, he suddenly found two knives in his arm.

"Todoroki!" I screamed out.

"You're not bad either..." As the villain is about to come down and finish him off, Izuku grabs him by the scarf. He drags him away.

"Midoriya can now freely move! This must mean...!" Da Vinci exclaimed.

"Yeah." I said, agreeing with her.


"Somehow I can move again just fine!"

"So it has a time limit?" Todoroki questioned.

"No. He was the last of us to get hit! And I still can't move!" Native said from besides us. To get Izuku off him, Stain elbows him roughly in the side.

"Guhh!!" He lets go of him and falls back down. Stain skids back.

"Get back, Midoriya!"

"Eek!" Todoroki puts some distance between us and him with his ice.

Izuku gets back up coughing. "So he tasted our blood and paralyzed us. But I was the first to break free somehow. I can think of three possible explanations. Either the effect is weaker the more people he uses it on... or it's about how much her gets... or its effectiveness depends on blood type..."

"Blood type...? I'm B." Native replied.

"And I'm A..." Iida stated.

"I'm AB." I said.

"Blood type... hahhh... that's right."

"Hey Holmes, you already know what his quirk is right? Don't keep us in suspense!" Da Vinci said.

"I don't know the name of it, but I do know how it works. By licking his opponent's blood, he can incapacitate them for up to 8 minutes. The blood type order goes from most affective to least affective. B, AB, then A, and finally O." Holmes explained.

"Though, not like it's going to help you. Mr. Midoriya, Mr. Todoroki, your first priority is to get Master (Y/n) and the others out of here."

"That's easier said then done." Todoroki replied. "He's quick enough to react to both my fire and ice. So I'm not seeing an opening. Until the pros get here... our best hope is to keep him at bay and keep dodging."

"You've got too much exposed blood, Todoroki. I'll draw his attention while you provide rear support!"

"Pretty risky plan... but yeah. The two of us will protect them."

'Todoroki... Izuku...' I thought, gazing at them. Damn it! If only I could help them! But here I am... lying on the ground while they're doing their best to protect us! I hate being so weak!

"Gyahh!!" Izuku screams as Stain slashed his leg.

"Stop it... I can't... take it..." Iida said about to have a breakdown.

Then Todoroki shouts at him, "if you wanna stop this... then stand up!!"

Stain madly grins and licks his sword paralyzing Izuku again. "Sorry, Todoroki!"

He slashes the ice coming face-to-face with, but he continues to yell, "NEVER FORGET WHO YOU WANT TO BECOME!!"

Fate (Boku No Hero Academia x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now