Todoroki Shoto: Origin

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"Hell yeah! You tell him Deku!!" Mordred shouts.

In the back of his mind, his mother's words.

'It's okay Shoto. You...' at some point along the way he forgot.

"What do you think you're doing? Everything I've got? Did my shitty old man pay you off? Now you're pissing me off!" Enraged Todoroki rushes slowly towards Midoriya due to the accumulation of frost building on his body.

"His movement has gotten slower he is not as fast as he was before." Iida points out. As soon as he raised his left leg Midoriya ducked under him.

'His moves have gotten laggy! His body must've formed frost! From looking, it's different from my upper limit it's more like a video game's MP meter. Was the range he showed off against tape face his maximum!?' Bakugo thought, remembering the huge block of ice Todoroki created during his fight with Sero.

'The second I raise my left leg... damn him!' He angrily thought.

"The image! Focus on the image... don't let the microwave explode it... don't... don't let it! Don't let it explode!!" Midoriya mumbled, and punches him in the stomach with a smash using his broken left arm knocking him back. However, using his right hand he froze his left hand.

"Ooo, and a bitter blow on a brittle body!! Bet you all felt that one!!" Present Mic shouts.

"He... he landed a hit on Todoroki!!" A hero comments, shocked.

"Even though Midoriya is the one who is all beat up..." another pro said.

He gets back up holding his stomach, "to think he would launch an offensive here!"

'Why...' he sent out another ice attack, but it wasn't as strong as the previous ones.

"His ice is not as powerful as it was in previous battles." Mordred said.

"Yes, but Izuku isn't looking good look at his wounds." Nero said.

While watching the two fight Cementoss communicates with Midnight through an earpiece, "shall I stop them, Midnight? Midoriya is being unreasonable, he's probably of the mind that he can always be healed. He is likely too hopped up on adrenaline to be feeling any pain. But those wounds are serious... I can't imagine a single session will suffice for a full recovery... and even if he were to win this match, what of the next!?" Midnight didn't say anything.

"Izuku..." (Y/n) mumbled.

Gilgamesh scoffed, "that idiot."

'I won't let him go on saying "it's no use, I can't control my quirk." Otherwise, when would it end? The power output is lower, but he's starting to be able to do it. He is not being unreasonable. In order to win... this is the very best he can do at present... but I wonder... no matter how many times he says "it's okay, I'll just heal up." Leaping into such pain necessitates a matching level of resolve. What on earth is driving that boy?'

Another attack came Midoriya's way, but is unable to make a fist because of his broken fingers. So, he pulls back his cheek put his thumb inside and releases a smash sending them both back.

'I want to be just like him and for that, I need to become as strong as no. 1! Compared to what drives you it might be a trifling motivation.' Midoriya thought.

Fate (Boku No Hero Academia x Reader) (DISCONTINUED)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum