Valentine's Chocolate: Anastasia

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"Morning, Anastasia." I greeted her in the hallway of New Chaldea.

"Oh, hello, Master. I'm glad to see you in such good health this morning." Anastasia lets out a small smile. She then continues, "but never mind that... today is Valentine's Day, Master. I'm told that my country only began celebrating Valentine's fairly recently... but any excuse to get presents is a good one in my book. Don't you think? So, on that note... I would like some chocolate please, Master."

"Here you go!" I gave over the small pack of chocolate to her. I saw her face change from smiling to a look of shock.

"Wh-what's the meaning of this? I specifically asked the other Servants about this. They said that, for example in Japan, Valentine's is primarily considered a where women give gifts to those they care for deeply. And that they then receive return gifts on White Day. So as a Servant, I thought I was supposed to give you chocolate first."

I smiled, "I wanted to give some to everyone, anyway."

"Khh... you really put one over me. I never expected you would already have a gift ready to go. Very well then, I would be honored to accept this present. Now, prepare to sing my praises in amazement, for I have a present for you, too. Here it is..." Anastasia hands me her gift.

"Thank you!"

She smiles, "your sincerity is one of your best quantities, Master. Go on then, open it."

What I was expecting to be a small portion of chocolate not a doll of Viy. It's similar to Cú Alter giving me Mini Cú. Seeing me confused she explained her reasoning for this.

"I know I'm supposed to give you chocolate

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"I know I'm supposed to give you chocolate... but I figured you would get plenty of that from everyone else. So I decided to give you a Viy plushie instead. Hehe, isn't he adorable? I infused him with magical energy, so he might cause the occasional supernatural phenomenon or two... but that's no big deal!" Anastasia smiled like it wasn't a problem.

"Uh, yes! Yes it is!" I tell her.

"Now, now, I'm sure sure it won't be any problem whatsoever... probably. Anyway, Master, I think I'm going to have some chocolate right now. Since we're already both here, why don't you join me?"

After we were done eating the sweet I made her I returned to My Room for the night holding Viy to my chest. When, I arrived I set him down next Mini Cú. I took off my Chaldea uniform and sleepily crawled into bed. I pull the white blankets over me.

"Good night..." I mumbled, looking at the two plushies and fell asleep.

3rd Person POV

When (Y/n) went to sleep Viy stood up and walked over to (Y/n) trying to get in her bed. But he was stopped by Mini Cú blocking his way with holding his red spear.


Both with glints in their eyes started to charge toward each other, and they start to fight. Due to the loud noises they were making from their duel (Y/n) immediately opens her eyes.

"What's that sound?"

"!" Both of them stopped fighting and laid motionless on the floor. (Y/n) immediately sits up and looks around checking to see if someone was here.

Finding nothing she lays back down, "guess it was just my imagination..." she goes back to sleep. Unknown to her, both of them stood back up and looks at each other.




The fight continues between the two and goes on throughout the night while (Y/n) was sleeping.

(Y/n)'s POV

I open my eyes and lean up from my bed after having a nice, long sleep. I raise my arms into the air stretching them letting out a groan. I glance around the room. I was expecting My Room to be clean, but for some reason it looks destroyed like people came in here and started fighting.

"Why does it feel like my room has been ransacked?"

The door opens and Anastasia walks in with a smug a smile on her face like she knew something.

"Good morning, Master. It's a beautiful day today. Aww, you put my Viy next to your little Cú Chulainn. That's so sweet. I hope they become fast friends."

I look over at them and stuttered, "y-yeah, me too."

Viy and Cú are sitting next to each other with sparkles surrounding them.

'I don't know why, but I feel a little scared.'

Valentine's Day chocolate from Anastasia. Since the duchess didn't really have any affinity for chocolates, the little schwipsig in her created a new Viy to give as a gift. It moves around in the middle of the night to attack any suspicious intruders. At least that was the intent, but it seems to have formed another rivalry with another stuffed toy who arrived before, and a raging battle between the two ensues each night.

"But it's okay. My little Viy will definitely win!"

The duchess is nothing if not confident.

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