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Spoilers up ahead for F/GO Lostbelt Russia!

We finally defeated Ivan the Terrible however, instead of being happy that he was gone all I felt was bitterness and sad when during our short conservation he said that in order to save our world I... had to destroy the Lostbelts which means to kill the inhabitants living there. All the Yaga I formed a bond with... will be dead once this Lostbelt is restored. I didn't want this to be true, so I called Holmes's name to confirm what Ivan was saying is true.

"It's true. Everything he was correct." Holmes said. I look down at the ground not saying anything a conflicted look present on my face.

"I'm so sorry, Master. I... know what the ramifications of our actions were, too. I understood that protecting our world history would mean destroying this world..." Mash apologized. Of course... everything is not as simple as I thought it was. I should've known better.

"So he finally went down for good, huh? Took him long enough." Kadoc appears along with his Servant Anastasia.

"Kadoc!" I exclaimed, not happy to see him.

"I hate drawing shit out, so let's just get this done. Atalante, hurry up and finish them off. That was the deal, right? You agreed that after they got rid of Ivan, that you'd help us kill them." Kadoc states.

"Atalante!?" Mash exclaimed, shocked. My eyes widened and I looked at her in shock. Atalante... why? I thought you were on our side, so why did you side with Kadoc. She looked away silent like she was hesitating.

"What's wrong? You can't turn back now, not after we've come this far. Or what? You're telling me you don't care what happens to those kids anymore?"

That caused her to respond and looks directly at me, "...No, you're right. I am so sorry, (Y/n). I am so sorry. You did nothing wrong. I admire your willingness to keep fighting even after your world was destroyed. More, importantly I am a heroic spirit from Proper Human History myself. I should be siding with you. But... after I was summoned, I spent so much time among the Yaga that I cannot help but care for them. So I am siding with them."

I don't want to believe her. I desperately want to believe that in my soul she was not sorry, but I know deep down that she is being sincere.

"No!" Mash yells.

Holmes pops up from my watch and speaks to her, "you serious about this? You know if you do that, you'll end up a drifter with no place to call home. If Proper Human History disappears, it won't be long before you cease to exist too."

"Even so, I cannot do it." Atalante replies.


"I cannot desert the Yaga. Not when I know the pain of abandonment!"

"I'm afraid that doesn't change the facts, Ms. Atalante. As things stand now, you're simply refusing to face reality." Holmes said.

"Doesn't matter. 'Cause the other reality is you guys are screwed. Anastasia!" Kadoc calls his Servant.

Anastasia shows up and walks towards us, "thanks to you, we no longer need to live in fear of the Tsar. I do appreciate that. But that no longer matters. Still, the least we can do for your efforts is to ensure that your deaths are quick and painless."

"Your kidding me with this crap? This girl here won. Even the Tsar recognized that. I'm not handing her over to you now outta the way, you jackasses!" Beowulf shouted, and readies his two swords. He runs towards the duchess, but she calls on the Yaga and two appear in front of him. He stops in his tracks and scoffs.

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