
As Veronica, Betty, and Archie entered the room and began talking about foot ball and different meanings for that matter when all three went to their best friend who was dancing with Kevin and looked to be having a amazing time.

"I'm getting punch with that hottie over there. You got this" Veronica whispered as she headed over toward Adalynn who was at the punch bowl.

"Wow don't you look absolutely stunning" Veronica completed as she took Adalynn's hand and spun her around then pouring two glasses of punch.

"Well thank you Ms.Lodge. You look dashing might I add" Adalynn smiled as she took the drink from her latina friend's hand.

"So I over heard that you asked a certain redhead to the dance tonight" Veronica smirked.

"As friends" Adalynn warned her with a raised eyebrow which made Veronica grab her arm slightly.

"So then no one would mind if you danced with me for a while right?" she asked before pulling the brunette to the dance floor and threw her arms around her waist.

"Your the man in our relationship yes?" Adalynn joked which made Veronica laugh loudly and revived many odd looks.

"Definitely" she said as she continued to laugh and spun her new friend around.

"Hey you two" Kevin poped up and threw his arms around the two girls and spun them slightly causing the two to smile at there gay friend. Veronica now dragged her two friends over somewhere else but Adalynn didn't miss the look Kevin was giving her close friend Moose. Now they looked up at Cheryl who was speaking on the stage which made Adalynn smile sweetly st the sight.

"Good evening friends. As honor of charity and the factors queen of tonight semi formal it is my great pleasure to welcome this evenings main entertainment. To know them is to be obsessed with them. Tonight they are making a exception and daybuting a cover that my parents claim they where lissening to the night Jason and I were conservatived. This ones for you JJ" she spoke and walked off the stage once she caught eyes with a familiar brunette that was smiling at her and nodding her head reassuringly. As the pussycats began playing there song Adalynn excused herself and walked outside to get some air on the school steps. After a few moments of being outside she heard heels clicking after her. Once she turned she saw Cheryl walk best side her as she shut the door.

"What are you doing out here?" Cheryl asked her as she smiled with her pearly teeth.

"Just getting some air. Their a lot of people in there which sets my anxiety. What are you doing out here?" Adalynn laughed slightly as her body turned toward Cheryl now.

"Just checking on you. Don't like the pussycats?" Cheryl joked with her friend.

"I love them. Their amazing. I can still hear them so i'm good" Adalynn giggled.

"Care to spare me a dance?" Cheryl asked as she held out a hand for Adalynn to take.

"Out here?" Adalynn asked a little confused.

"Why not?" Cheryl smiled with her perfectly painted red lips that Adalynn craved so deeply. She took the pale girl's hand and rested them on her shoulders. Cheryl pulled her closer to her and wrapped her arms around her lower back. It wasn't the proper way to slow dance but Adalynn rested her head on her shoulder much like a hug but the two swayed around slowly to the Pussycats song.

"Do you think they'll take my dad to jail?" Adalynn asked slowly as Cheryl held her close to her body.

"I hope so" Cheryl said bluntly.

"Are your parents don't mind me staying the night tonight?" Adalynn asked quietly in a innocent voice.

"Their aren't the most lovable but they'll understand. I'll tell them that I need to for help copping" Cheryl told Adalynn as she stroked her back slightly. Adalynn got s but closer to Cheryl if it was possible as the two continued to dance until Adalynn's phone rang.

Once the two friends went back into the gymnasium Cheryl went toward Ginger and Tina and Adalynn saw Jughead seated by himself. She walked closer to him now seeing he was looking around akwarly.

"Didn't know Jughead Jones did school dances" Adalynn joked as she now stood in front of him with her winning smile.

"What can I say? Didn't have anything else to do" He grinned which made her laugh slightly.

"You look beautiful" he said slowly as he stared at her which made her eyes get droopy and sad.

"Dance with me?" she asked him. He gave her a look but she pulled him close to her on the dance floor and threw her arms around his shoulder as his went to her waist.

"Last time we danced like this was when we had a very committed relationship going on" Jughead smiled down at her slightly.

"Until my hideous parents made me break up with you" Adalynn sighed as she looked down slightly.

"We were good together. I miss it" He said as he held her closer to his body much like Cheryl did.

"I do too. I'm sorry Jug" she said as a tear left her eye. He grinned at her softly.

"Don't be Adalynn it wasn't your fault. Plus everything happens for a reason right?" he said as he wiped the tear slightly which she nodded at.

"So what are your theory's about Jason? I know you have some" she grinned knowing her ex boyfriend was a conspiracy nut.

"I think Cheryl knows more than what she's confessing too" He said slightly which made Adalynn her chills at the thought of the redhead.

"I know. But she just lost her brother I can't even imagine what that must feel like" Adalynn said as she stood up for the girl slightly.

"The Blossoms are all so sneaky, his parents might know something too" Jughead pointed out which caused Adalynn to laugh slightly. From across the floor Cheryl stared st the two with a straight face that held no emotion.

"Cheryl? You okay?" Tina asked as she put a hand on the redheads shoulder.

"I'm fine" She faked a smile and pushed Tina off her shoulder and walked off. The two minions shared a look but choice to ignore it.

"It's game time a shay Blossom kitty's" Cheryl grinned as she spoke to her small after party which consisted of a few people. Adalynn said next to Archie as Betty sat on the other side of her and Veronica beside Archie. Cheryl looked at Adalynn who smiled at her slight which she returned with a small smirk on her plump lips.

"Where going old school tonight. Seven minutes of heaven" Cheryl smirked as she sat a bottle on the table. "Who wants a twist in the closet of love first my vote is A for Archie Andrews"

Adalynn noticed Betty shift beside her so she quickly jumped in, "I'll go"

"Yes Lockwood!" Reggie called out with a whistle. As the bottle spun she saw Cheryl flirting slightly with Moose. Once the bottle stopped it landed on the blonde beside her causing a few to oohhh the two. Cheryl stopped mid sentence with Moose as she stared jelouse at Betty Cooper who she already despised.

"You good with this?" Adalynn whisper to Betty who gave her a nod and a blush. She look at Cheryl and made a plan in her head.

"Why should we go into the closet when we can just give everyone a show out here?" Adalynn called out as she pulled the back of Betty's neck closer to her and gave her a steamy kiss which made Cheryl tighten her face and glare slightly. People around then hooted and hollered which made the two pull about red faced.

"Great job Betty Cooper " Adalynn smirked as she patted the blondes cheek and turned back to the group and smirked slightly at Cheryl


Petty girl.

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