"I was just wondering if you want to walk me to class? I'm not sure we're i'm going and I noticed you and I share Mr.Randley's health class together" Veronica suggested as Adalynn nodded with a smile.


The halls where basically empty as Adalynn and Veronica walked to health together not bothering that they were late.

"I saw the way you where looking at her A. At they Blossom girl. You into girls?" Veronica asked Adalynn with a smile.

"No. Well not all the way. I like guys and girls really. But i've always liked Cheryl really. Sense 6th grade to be exact. We couch the cheer squad together and I don't know Ronnie. Don't get me wrong she's a real bitch but it just makes me like her more or something. We're okay friends too. Not best but we are. I should get over her. She dosnt even know. No one ones that i'm Bisexual either your the only one" Adalynn admitted which Veronica smiled at.

"Well i'm homered. You know i'm Bisexual too. Guys like that redhead last night are my type and then girls like you do it for me too" Veronica winked which made Adalynn go red and giggle.

"Archie seemed to be really into you. Betty really loved him and if they don't work out you to would be good together." Adalynn admitted.

"Well I happen to think you and that Cheryl girl would be beyond perfect together. Like someone so sweet and vanilla like you could be so good for someone to tough and bad to the bone like her" Veronica said as the two linked arms.

"Thanks V" Adalynn smiled and with that the two walked into health class and used the excuse that she was only showing Veronica around sense it was her first day

Now at lunch Archie, Betty, Kevin, and Adalynn all sat together as they munched in there packed lunches. Adalynn was biting into strawberry's as she didn't notice Cheryl looking at her, but once she did Adalynn dropped the strawberry and waved with a small smile which caused Cheryl to send her a smirk and a little wave along with a wink until she turned away. Adalynns face went red from across the court yard. Archie continued to show the group his song as Betty's face was red from smiling so hard. Veronica now made her way over toward the four with a smile.

"Can I join?" she asked as Archie shut his lap top.

"Yeah" Betty said as Adalynn moved closer to Kevin allowing Veronica to sit next to her as the two shared a smile.

"What are we doing?" she now asked as she got comfortable.

"Lissening to one of Archie's songs" Betty gushed at the ginger with a smile.

"I thought we were going to have to pretend to like it but it's actually really good" Kevin added in.

"Told you" Adalynn pointed out as she waved her fork.

"Wait that was you singing? Something you wrote?" Veronica asked as she pointed a finger at him.

"It's rough" he blushed.

"No it's great" Betty said going a little over board with the flirting causing Adalynn to kick her leg lightly and give her a 'calm down' low key hand gesture.

"It's incredible acutely. The little snippet I heard. Is that your thing? Music? Are you doing something with that?Like Adalynn's is cheerleading" Veronica asked him. Betty glared at her lightly seeing it looked like she was flirting, which she kinda was. Kevin wrapped his arm around Adalynn at the mention of her cheerleading. He knew how amazing his friend was at it and no one seemed to praise her for it.

"Yeah that's the plain. So how'd your first day going? Good?" Archie asked as he took a bite form his sandwitch and getting ketchup on his face in the process. Adalynn leaned forward with her blue napkin and wiped it for him which he blushed at her sent her a lovable smile.

"Not to be a complete narcissist but I thought-" Veronica began but was cut off by Adalynn

"More obsessed with you?" she asked with a little smirk only Veronica noticed. She nodded.

"Any other year you'd be trendy number one. But this year it's all about Cheryl trying to win the most pyco hosticsl in riverdale high" He said as he noticed her walking toward them.

"Kevin she just lost her brother give her a break" Adalynn defended her which made Veronica smile.

"Hey I should go I got they meeting with Grundy then football try outs" Archie said as he now began to stand up.

"You do football too? What don't you do?" Veronica asked flirty which caused Adalynn to give her a small glare then give Betty a reassuring one. Archie laughed lightly then hurried off.

"Before you ask Blue Jasmine. No she hasn't asked him to the dance yet" Kevin said to Veronica ask he gave Betty a look.

"Sh don't talk about Archie" Betty said quickly as he noticed Cheryl getting closer and closer.

"Veronica Lodge. I'm Cheryl Blossom. May I sit? Betty would you mind?" Cheryl now cams over causing Adalynn to look away already knowing her face was hearing up. Betty gave a annoyed look as she moved down for Cheryl to sit next to her.

"So what are you four hens gossiping about? Archie's new Effron gift from the Christmas of Puberty. Or how gorgeous Adalynn looks today" Cheryl grinned at the brunette who was blushing. Adalynn sent her one back. Betty gave Veronica a shake of her head ignoring the fact that Cheryl flirted with Adalynn slightly.

"Extra Caricatures. Weatherbee wants me to sign up for a few" Veronica said as Cheryl's face lit up.

"Cheer leading you must. I'm the senior caption of the River Vixens, Addi's the co-caption." Cheryl flipped her hair with a grin.

"Is cheeleading this a thing?" Kevin asked

"Kev" Adalynn said offendedly as she slapped his shoulder.

"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" Cheryl fired back at him with a glare.

"Some day it's retro, I think it's iconic" Adalynn defended herself and the redhead she liked a lot.

"Agreed" Cheryl said as she pointed at Adalynn with a small grin glad she defended her.

"At Spence I sat at the top of the elite pyramid. I'm in. Betty your trying out too. Adalynn already in so all that left for the trio is the two of us" Veronica said as she guesser toward Betty. Betty gave her a look.

"Of course. Opened to all but Betty's just got so much on her plate right now but any time sure!" Cheryl said happily as she gave Betty a judging look. Cheryl stood up now.

"Follow me on twitter and i'll do the same. My handles @Cheryl Bombshell. See you by my side for tryouts Adalynn?" Cheryl asked as she smiled at the small brunette.

"yeah of course" Adalynn said as she watched Cheryl walk away.

"Okay go ahead and hate on cheerleading but price harry-" Veronica began but Betty cut her off.

"Oh i'd love to be a cheerleader it would look amazing on my collage applications but last year when I tried out Cheryl said I was to fat. Adalynn tried to get me through the loop but Cheryl's caption so a no is a no when it comes to her" Betty sighed.

"Two season five Betty Draper. It was a great line" Kevin grinned at the memory but the. noticed the hurt look on Betty's face

"But not at all true" he added in.

"Yeah Betty you've for a great body no matter what anyone says. Your a whole cutie with a booty" Adalynn reminded her which Betty blushed at.

"Well your a total smoke show now I mean it. And i've got some moves if your interested" Veronica asked her now blonde friend with a please look.

"Yeah Betty i'd love to have you and Veronica on the squad with me. I mean it gets kinda lonely when I only like one person on the team. Plus then we can take some cute pictures that your mom and my mom will gush over and put in our baby books" Adalynn reminded her with a point of her fork as she took a grade into her mouth.

"Kay you know what? show me your moves" Betty grinned as she Veronica and Adalynn squealed. And from a few tables down a certain redhead Cherry princess watched Adalynn Lockwood smile and she couldn't help but stare at how truly beautiful that Lockwood girl was

They'll be endgame I seriously promise you.

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