Chapter Forty-Four* Want to hear a story?

Start from the beginning

"Now now nice. Oh, wait...its Alex, right?"

"No. Its Alexandra bitch."

"Good Alexandra, it's nice to finally meet you, properly this time." With this he grabbed a chair and sat directly in front of me.

"I can't say the same to you, what do you want?"

"A lot, but I will get to that. First, you should eat. It's been a long time since you have had anything to eat or drink." What is with this guy? Isn't he supposed to be the bad guy? Why is he being a fucking good host, I'm confused.

"It's been like 2 hours, I'm not hungry."

"Actually it's been 32 hours." With that he grabbed a bottle of water and stood up. Unscrewing the cap, he placed the water bottle onto my lips and tilted the bottle. Allowing the water to fill up in my mouth, he moved the bottle and looked at me, bad idea. With that I spat out all the water onto his face and laughed.

Now that pissed him off. He wiped his face and called out. Instantaneously 3 guys ran in.

"Now you shouldn't have done that. I was trying to be nice Alexandra."

"You've kidnapped me and chained me up, how is this nice?"

"You know I could have done a lot worse, well I wasn't going to...but I guess it's time to change your attitude." He sat back down and whispered into one of the guy's ears. The guy nodded and walked towards me. Cracking his knuckles, he punched me straight in the gut 3 times. As he did I tensed my stomach like my pact taught me too. I've been trained to deal with interrogations and torture, hell I was tortured by the pact on base so I've been through worse pain. Damn, they were right this whole time, I would thank them one day and I guess that day is today. Once the guy stopped punching me I finally spoke up.

"You punch like a bitch." I snickered causing him to growl at me and bitch slap me across the face.

"Enough." Olinkskey smiled.

"Is that all you got?"

"No." with that he nodded towards another guy who walked to the back of the room and grabbed a rope. Walking back towards me, he pulled on the rope, this caused the metal chains to rise towards the ceiling stretching my arms and legs, fuck. Screaming out in pain I felt as if both my arms and legs were going to pop out of their sockets. Olinksey raised his hand in which the guy stopped and my limbs were released back to its normal state.

"Turn the light on." He commanded. With that the whole room lit up revealing computers and a camera. Shit, how did I not see this? One of the guys sat down at the computers and started typing.



"want to hear a story?"

Derek's P.O.V

"HAS ANYONE GOT SOME FUCKING GOOD NEWS FOR ME?" I screamed at everyone in the room. Everyone looked down and carried on running around. After Alex was taken we set up shop in my house rather than the station as we had a lot of resources here in my basement. I always had this place set up so I could do private investigating in the space of my own home. My team and I have used it many times to do surveillance on gangs.

"Here's all the files we have on Olinksey and the mission." Brennon pulled up loads of videos and documents onto the 3 big screens on the wall. Right now, Ian's team are all here scattered trying to find clues, whereas some of my team are back at the station and the rest are following up some leads from their CI's. Everyone else I know and who owes me a favour are all running around the city trying to locate her.

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