Chapter 25 - Princess

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Chapter 25

 I woke up the next day and I knew that the sun had set. When I woke up Salem was already up and dressed. I looked at him and he had breakfast ready for me on the dresser table. I wondered how long he had been up.

 ‘2 hours, it’s normal for a new-born vampire to need more sleep than an older one.’ He told me in my head and for a moment I was a little freaked out, but then he had told me that once I was a vampire I would be able to hear his thoughts like he hears mine.

 I took that in my stride and crawled out of bed. I felt a little weak and I was so hungry for blood. I looked up at the dresser and saw that there were a few glasses of blood. The need for the blood took over and I ended up using my super speed to get to the blood. I grabbed the glass and drank down the blood. It was A Positive and I licked my lips in happiness. It tasted so nice and it made me feel better.

 “Pace yourself, my love or you’ll end up on a high.” He told me, but my mind just kept saying that I needed the blood. I nodded to him and grabbed the bowl of cereal that had milk mixed with blood. I sat down on the bed and started eating my cereal. I thought it would take me longer to get used to the idea of being a vampire or being a vampire and yet I seemed to be taking it well.

 Today I was going to be displayed to the Vampire Nation as their Vampire Princess and I wasn’t as scared as I was before because now I was like them and I had gifts to protect me. I felt safer and I felt okay. The only thing that made me a little unnerved was the fact that people were now going to assume that Salem and I are going to get married right away. He hadn’t even asked me to marry him yet. I wanted to be asked first.

 I hoped that Salem hadn’t heard my thoughts, but I didn’t know how to block him out of my head yet. I finished up my cereal and placed the bowl on the tray before going to brush my teeth. While I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and showering, I realised that Salem had gone. Once showered, I went into my walk in wardrobe and started to pick out a smart enough outfit for today. I put on a white flared skirt, a black long sleeved frilled-cuff silk top and I slipped on a pair of black patent leather courts that had 2 inch heels.

 I got dressed and my make-up and hair teams were already waiting for me, so I sat down at my vanity table. The hair team curled my hair and then put it into a waterfall braid from the side of my head to the back on both sides. The make-up team put minimal make up on me, but highlighted my lips.

 Once I was done and deemed ready to face the nation, I was allowed to get up from the vanity table and leave the bedroom. I walked out of the bedroom and waiting for me outside the door was Salem. I smiled at him and he smirked at me.

 “What?” I asked.

 “You’re fangs are showing.” I quickly closed my mouth and put my hand over my mouth. I focused on getting rid of them and when I smiled again, Salem nodded at me as if to say that I was clear. He put his hand out to me and I took it. “Are you ready to face the nation, my love?” He asked me and I sighed in defeat as there was no way I was going to be able to get out of this.

 “As ready as I will ever be.” I told him honestly because I was as ready as I’ll ever be. I didn’t know it was going to go and I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I knew it was something I needed to do. I decided to stay with Salem and I had decided to be a vampire, so that came with certain responsibilities. This is one; well this is more like the main one as I am going to be an official princess when I marry Salem, if he asks or if he just assumes we will. I don’t know, so much is going through my head.

 I was snapped out of my train of thought when Salem kissed my cheek and I turned to look at him, giving him a warm smile. “What are you thinking so hard about, my love?” Salem asked me.

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