Chapter 10 - Dead or Un-Dead?

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Chapter 10


“Well…” I started to say and gulped when she looked up at me with confusion and worry in her eyes. She had been through so much already and I didn’t want to hurt her or push her any more or any further, but I guess the Baron seems to have just opened up that can of worms for me. I didn’t want to tell her about this whole law, at least not until later on and in a way I was hoping she would calm down a little more to this idea of being here before I tell her this, but that just went out the window.

“Salem, tell me please. What the hell was that guy talking about when he said that I had 6 months before I had to become a vampire?” She asked me again, this time with more reassurance and power behind her voice and the regal side of the mate bond was really pushing through her.

I sighed out again and I shook a little. I was sad that this had come out, but I knew that keeping secrets from her was not a good idea and yet, I wanted a little while longer to deal with this and let her settle down.

“I was hoping that I would have a few more weeks before I had to deal with this.” I sighed as I hugged her a little tighter, which she didn’t seem to mind all that much because she didn’t push me away. She did hug me or hold on to me at least. I sighed as I looked down and my forehead rested against hers. She seemed to come out of the mate hold that her mind had on her and she pushed me back a little more. She stood away from me and I put my arms down, but the feeling of missing her was huge. I put my hands in my pockets and groaned as she looked at me with her eyebrows all scrunched up and her arms crossed.

“Come into my office and I’ll explain it to you.” I opened up my office door and guided her in. I saw that Delia was behind her and I told her to wait for Cassandra in her bedroom. Delia nodded to me and went off. I sighed as I turned back to my office and walked over to my desk. Cassandra had already sat down where the Baron had once sat and I sat on the other side of the desk.

“Ok, talk.” She said.


This day was really spinning my head. It feels like I have been here for weeks not merely days and I wondered if people back home missed me and what was being done to try to find me, but if I didn’t even know where the hell I was then how would anyone else find me?

The tour was going well. I’d seen the whole of the ground floor and I loved the blue drawing room, the way that the light poured into it. I was being taken around the first floor and shown the offices including the one that was meant to be mine or at least supposedly going to be. I was shown some of the guest rooms, bathrooms and other meeting rooms. I was on the way to seeing Salem’s office and one of the massive libraries that this castle had when this big man bashed into me. He was so strong he bashed me to the floor and I fell with an oomph. It really did hurt and quick as a flash Salem was there. He helped me up and when I saw this man in front of me, I freaked out and hugged into Salem more because this man scared me, but also because there was something inside me that told me that I was safe with him. I needed to be near him because then I would be safe. I didn’t mind that he was near me and I savoured his comfort, his protectiveness and love. I needed that because there was something about this man that scared me.

Although there was something that he said that made my head spin 360 and realise that there were things Salem hadn’t obviously told me. It made me worry when this man said something about within 6 months I have to be a vampire. No one ever asked me. Salem had some explaining to do.

Sitting in Salem’s office I realised how regal and beautiful it was. It screamed Salem and I could see that he had spent a lot of time making this office up. I liked it and it was actually really calming in here. It calmed me down.

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