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 29 weeks later

 “How in the hell am I still pregnant?!” I moaned at Dalia as I looked down at my whale like stomach. I haven’t been able to see my feet in months or walk around as much or so much of anything. My due date was two days ago and still there is no sign of my son. Yes, we found out at 20 weeks that we were having a son and Salem was very excited and happy that we are still having a son after losing Timmy. We were naming our unborn, lazy, can’t be asked to be born on time son Theodore Ichabod La Fey and we were nicknaming him Theo.

 Because I had to take a step back in public relations and being Queen until Theo is born, Salem had to step up as King and so he wasn’t around as much, but he has been on edge constantly for the last week. Dalia has been a huge help as has Madeline, the Queen mother and my sister-in-law, Isabeau, but still I was pregnant even though I am 40 weeks. I want them to induce me now.

 “He’s just making sure that he is perfectly ready for you.”

 “Well I’m ready.” I groaned. I ached so badly with my back ache, heavy boobs and lack of sleep because I can’t get comfortable.

 Being Queen has not been very easy because well, I’ve been pregnant and also because I had a lot of meetings with lords, parliament and governors to meet with. The Queen mother was so helpful and yet, it was very hard in the beginning weeks. So many people expected so much of me. The charities that the Queen ran before me I was happy to take up. A lot of them were for really good causes. I slowly got used to the routine I was now in and the jobs I had to do, but once I got into my 38th week of pregnancy, I took a step back and focused on my never ending pregnancy it seems.

 "Help me up please, Dalia.” I asked as I held my hands out to Dalia over my massive belly and she helped me to my feet. I started my daily walk with Dalia around the castle to try to get this baby moving. I had had Braxton hicks, nausea, pain, bloating, headaches, sleep deprivation and boob numbness during this pregnancy, so pain is something I am used to. I just want my baby out.

 As the day drew to a close it was another day without any sign of my son. Not a bit. I sighed as I munched through a small meal as I couldn’t handle large ones anymore. I just wanted this pregnancy to be over and if I am not in labour by tomorrow night I am having a C-Section or being induced, I don’t care which.

 "I’m sorry our son refuses to leave you.” Salem said to me as he helped me into bed and covered me with the thin blanket I used as I was too hot to sleep with anything heavier. Salem had been allowed to sleep next to me since our wedding day as I slowly started to come to terms with what had happened to Timmy.

 “He will soon. By force if need be.” I groaned as I tried to get comfortable and get to sleep. Salem got in next to me and lay down before going to sleep so fast. Lucky bugger, I groaned.


I gasped awake as the most horrendous pain in the world went through me. I thought I’d been stabbed again or hit and I pulled the blanket back to find that there was a watery mess between my legs. I groaned as another wave of this pain went through me and I clutched my stomach. Was it finally time? I asked myself and I breathed as I remembered what the book said about the water breaking and this was it. I leaned over and shook Salem hard until he woke up.

 “What? What is it?” He asked me through a sleepy voice. He opened his eyes and peered at me.

 “The baby…”I groaned. “I’m in labour.” I told him and his eyes shot open before jumping out of bed. He opened the door to our bedroom and yelled out “The baby is coming!” I then heard the scurrying around of people and Dalia rushed into my room with the Queen mother and my sister-in-law. They helped me out of bed, got me out of my dirty nightdress and helped me clean up before putting me in another nightdress. The bedding was changed and a load of pillows were put behind me as I lay down on the bed. The doctor rushed into the room with all the equipment necessary to deliver my baby and a cot for the baby once he was born.


Salem stayed by my side and held my hand, letting me squeeze it every time a contraction came. It was so painful; it was like being ripped in two and like all my periods had descended on me at the same time. I was sweating, moaning, trying to get comfortable and yet nothing worked. The doctor gave me all the pain meds he could, but my body was just burning it off and my magic was going crazy, the weather was manic.

 “I can’t do this, I can’t. Oh my gods.” I panted and cried as I placed my face into Salem’s hand.

 “You can, he’s almost here.” Salem told me and I didn’t believe him, I’d been at this for hours. The sun had risen and set and we were deep into the morning for us Vampires.

 “He’s right my Queen, push.” The doctor ordered me and I bore down and pushed as hard as I could till I couldn’t anymore. I moaned as pain rushed through me and I bore down again to push. I screamed as a pain rushed through me and cried in pain, hoping that this would all soon be over.

 “One more.” I pushed for the millionth time and then I heard him, I heard my son cry. He cried out loud and was covered in blood and goo. He was stretching his arms out and he was kicking about. He was placed on my chest and a blanket was put on him to clean him off. I hugged him to me while Salem cut the cord.

 “Oh baby, oh shush it is okay. Baby boy, mummy is here.” I soothed my baby and cuddled him to my chest. He slowly stopped crying and stared up at me. He had my eyes and his father’s hair. He was a little bit paler than his dad, but that’s because I am really pale. He was so beautiful and he was here. He was safe.


My son was taken away to be cleaned up and checked, but once he was fine and deemed well, he was changed into baby clothes and given back to me. I too had been cleaned up, so had the bed and a Moses basket had been brought in for my son. I held my arms out to my son as Salem came back into the bedroom with him. Salem was cooing over him and kissing his forehead. Salem was so in love with him.

 Salem handed me our child and I cuddled him to me, kissing his head. I loved him so much and I can’t believe he was here. Theo looked at me and breathed, he breathed!

 “He breathes!” I gasped at Salem.

 “Of course, he grows too. He will be able to breathe and grow until he is 20 and then growing slows down. We do age, just very slowly to the point that it’s barely noticeable.” Salem told me as he got into bed too and stroked Theo’s hair.

 “Oh, I see.” I looked at my son and he snuggled into my chest more. “What do I feed him? Breast milk? Blood?” I asked.

 “Both, if you want, but don’t give him blood till he is 6 months.” I nodded as I got ready to feed my son. I fed him from my breast and he made cute little noises at me. I stroked his head and once he was finished, I burped him and held him to me till he fell asleep. I couldn’t let go of him; I didn’t want to put him down. My son was here, he was safe, but after what happened to his brother, I don’t want to let him go.

 “He’s safe baby.” Salem told me.

 “I know, but I’m not letting him go.” I told Salem and promised my son.


My marriage to Salem or even my mating to him didn’t start off easy. I was kidnapped and taken from my family, my home and my friends, but then when fate has a plan for you can you really go against it? Especially when you’ll die if you do.

 I hated what life had forced me into for so long and always would wonder what my life would be like if Salem had never found me or if I’d never gone to that party then would I be a doctor and not a Queen?

 But then I realise how much I love Salem and how much this life is what I was meant to have and I have never been surer then when I was staring into the eyes of my son. I hope to have more children and be the best Queen I can.

 Just remember, Fate will find a way to keep you on its path no matter what you do.

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