Chapter 21 - Papers and stories

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Chapter 21

Salem’s POV:

Cassandra was still wondering about becoming Queen and although many of the people in the Kingdom did love her, care for her and want her to be Queen; they were now starting to get a little agitated with the wait for her to become their Vampire Princess. This was obvious from the news stories.

Story 1

Will she always be human?

This is the question on everyone’s lips at the moment when it comes to the Princess. She has won the heart of many people in the Kingdom ever since she met that young girl at that hospital, but she has been our princess for over 3 months now, but many still question if she’ll ever be our true Vampire Princess or if she’s just pulling Prince Salem along till her inevitable death.


Story 2

Will she do it?

Can Cassandra become a vampire? Does she want to? She’s been in our Kingdom for 3 months now and there has been no incline that she is going to be turned, so the question is will she ever? We have seen that she does love Prince Salem and that she is happy with him, but it doesn’t seem she wants to live with him forever. Is there something she hates about us that we don’t know about?


Story 3

Queen Esmeralda or Queen Cassandra?

Which will it be? Will we get the soul mated Queen? Or the arranged marriage Queen? Has Cassandra even thought about how her actions are affecting the Kingdom and Prince Salem? What will happen? Some say she will be turned because she doesn’t want to die, but does that mean she really loves Salem for him or because she has to?


They went on like that and it was just not looking good. It was so bad and I knew that Cassandra had read these too. She was upset about them and about how they wondered if she loved me or not when it was obvious that she does. I hated how upset she got about all of this when really they just spun stories to sell papers.

It had only been getting worst like recently, Cassandra was bombarded with questions over this at a recent function and she got really upset over how they talked about her. She said that she was still thinking, but was coming to a fast conclusion, which I am sure she was.

I just hoped this would all be buried away soon with her turning.

??’s POV:

This was going better than I imagined. She was really screwing up with Salem and with the Kingdom. Her not becoming a vampire and accepting the Kingdom for the vampires that they are. It seems that she is going to ruin her own chances with being Queen. I thought I would have to mess up her chances of being Queen, but she was doing that herself which was funny. It really made me laugh.

I’d seen the recent papers and so it just made me smile that these questions were coming out, being asked and making people think. She really needed to be open and honest with what she was going to do, whether or not she is going to be turned or not.

She is called the Princess, but that is only because she is Prince Salem’s soul mate and if she wasn’t then like Esmeralda, she wouldn’t have been called a Princess. For many people, she is not their proper princess till she is a vampire, which I can agree with, but I would prefer she would not be a princess.

This is going to be really fun to watch it spiral out of control.

Cassandra’s POV:

What the papers had been saying recently have been making me upset and people had been rioting, yelling at me to become a vampire and accept being a princess fully. I didn’t want people to start hating me and I could understand why they would want me to change because they don’t want to lose me. Some of the papers had been spinning things outs of control. I do love Salem and the Kingdom. I wanted to show them what I could do, but there were still a few wonders on my mind. However, I knew what I was going to do. I was going to be turned and I had to pump myself up. I needed to do this. I wanted to do this.

I got up from my office chair and went into Salem’s office. I knocked on the door and went in. Salem smiled at me and came over to give me a small kiss on the lips. I asked him if we could talk and he nodded at me.

“The papers have been saying a few things recently and I can understand what they are saying, but I want it to stop.”

“It will, it’ll blow over.” He told me and I loved how confident he was.

“I know and I know how it will.” I told him and he looked at my with a questioning look on his face.

“How?” He asked me and I giggled at how naïve he could be. He’d been wanting me to become a vampire for ages and the moment I say ok, he doesn’t realise what I am saying.

“Turn me.” I said and his jaw dropped. It was like time stood still for a moment. He just stood still.

“Wh-What did you say?” He asked me and I sighed.

“I asked you to turn me.”

“Are you sure about this?” He asked me and I couldn’t believe after months of begging me to turn that he was asking me this. I nodded to him and he stumbled as he came over to me. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. He kissed me hard. “You know what we’ll have to do whilst I bite you.”

“Yes, so let’s go to bed.” I told him and he picked me up, which had me giggling. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me up to our bedroom. He remembered to lock the door this time and then placed me on the bed. I was ready for this, I was ready to be a vampire.

Next chapter is Private, but isn’t totally important to the story.

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